Sunday, August 11, 2019

Assessment 3 Training project (K) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessment 3 Training project (K) - Essay Example Not only this, it might also be use to introduce varied types of inventive and technologically advanced products and services thereby fascinating wide array of customers. As a result of which, the range of profit margin and total sale of the organization might get enhanced thereby boosting its recognition to a certain extent among other existing contenders (Schneier, 1994). Due to these above mentioned reasons, training programs are offered high concentration as it might increase the skills, attitudes, working behaviors and performance of the executives or managers of a hospitality sector. As best attitude and working behaviors are the two prime requisite of the top managers of a hospitality industry (Saks & et. al, 2010). In a hospitality industry, excellent behavioral skills and attitude are extremely essential for the human resource manager or top management employees as analyzed from the interview of their departmental heads. This is because; the top management employees act as the backbone of an organization operating in hospitality segment (Janakiraman, 2007). These employees are not only responsible for recruiting experienced and talented staffs within the organization of Hilton Al AIn but also liable to offer all sorts of required or desired facilities to the customers residing in the hotel. This is done, in order to enhance the quality and quantity of the services thereby amplifying the brand image and reputation of the brand in the market among many other rival players (Davenport, 2005). Apart from this, with the help of these training programs, the human resource manager might successfully introduce the new staffs with the other co-workers or co-members of Hilton Al AIn hotel (Martin, 2006). As a result of which, the interpersonal relationships of the employees get enhanced thereby amplifying the inner skills and talents to a certain extent. Along with this, proper orientation program might enhance the coordination among the top

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