Wednesday, August 14, 2019

American Anti Slavery

As we saw In the previous lecture, many Americans In the nineteenth century believed that slavery was justified by the Bible. Explain how The American Anti- Slavery Almanac, a well-known abolitionist publication whose authors attacked slavery, tried to discredit the notion that Christianity Justified slavery. | 200 words I 50 points. Throughout The American Anti-Slavery Almanac, abolitionists wrote that the Christians did many anti-slavery acts.On of the biggest arguments was the â€Å"negro seat† found In churches. On page 21, It states that churches â€Å"publicly deride and blasphemously criticize† this idea of the â€Å"negro seat† in churches. It also states that â€Å"Every church that has a â€Å"negro seat† keeps posted upon its walls a standing criticism on God's workmanship, a public proclamation of their contempt for It. † The church finds it wrong that many churches have designated seats for negros. â€Å"Why single out certain seats fo r them and make them sit in them? On page 37, it states â€Å"According to the Bible, oppression maketh a man mad; but according to the objector, top oppressing him and yon make him madder! That inflicting wrongs upon a person is calculated to exasperate him against the inflictor, everyone one knows,: and that the way to soothe his exasperation, make him forget his wrongs, and fill him with kind feelings towards you. † This explains that the wrong doings to a slave is against the Bible. God looks at everyone as his brothers and sisters.On Page 38, â€Å"Since robbing a man of his liberty and earnings, makes him your enemy, the first step to be aken in making him your friends, is to stop doing that which made him your enemy. The Bible gives this commonsense direction to all who wish to make others their friends. † 2. As we saw in the previous lecture, many Americans in the nineteenth century believed that slavery was an economic necessity. They argued that Its abolishin g would ruin the country's economy. Explain how The American Anti-Slavery Almanac tried to discredit this notion. 200 words | 50 points. Throughout The American Ann-slavery Almanac, abolitionists explained how they iscredited the idea that abolishing slavery would ruin the countrys economy. The abolitionists explained that getting rid of slavery would stop the theft that was going on between slaves and slaveholders and actually increase profit, which would help the economy. On page 44 it is explains that cotton is a major product that slaveholders have slaves working on. The slaves would steal a lot of this cotton causing loss of money.On page 36, it explains that getting rid of slavery would force he slaves to now work for their own money and benefits, which would open up more lobs and more spending, which all helps the economy. And lastly one other argument that was made throughout The American Anti-Slavery Almanac was that slaveholders would no longer have to pay their slaves and could now make and sell more products. All of these arguments come to one conclusion, which is that the abolitionists stressed tnat wltn tne a 01 t D I Ion 0T slavery wlll orlnga netter economy Tor Dotn tn slaveholders and slaves. American Anti Slavery As we saw in the previous lecture, many Americans in the nineteenth century believed that slavery was justified by the Bible. Explain how The American Anti-Slavery Almanac, a well-known abolitionist publication whose authors attacked slavery, tried to discredit the notion that Christianity justified slavery. | 200 words | 50 points. Throughout The American Anti-Slavery Almanac, abolitionists wrote that the Christians did many anti-slavery acts. On of the biggest arguments was the â€Å"negro seat† found in churches.On page 21, it states that churches â€Å"publicly deride and blasphemously criticize† this idea of the â€Å"negro seat† in churches. It also states that â€Å"Every church that has a â€Å"negro seat† keeps posted upon its walls a standing criticism on God’s workmanship, a public proclamation of their contempt for it. † The church finds it wrong that many churches have designated seats for negros. â€Å"Why single out certain se ats for them and make them sit in them?†On page 37, it states â€Å"According to the Bible, oppression maketh a man mad; but according to the objector, stop oppressing him and yon make him madder! That inflicting wrongs upon a person is calculated to exasperate him against the inflictor, everyone one knows,: and that the way to soothe his exasperation, make him forget his wrongs, and fill him with kind feelings towards you. † This explains that the wrong doings to a slave is against the Bible. God looks at everyone as his brothers and sisters.On Page 38, â€Å"Since robbing a man of his liberty and earnings, makes him your enemy, the first step to be taken in making him your friends, is to stop doing that which made him your enemy. The Bible gives this commonsense direction to all who wish to make others their friends. † As we saw in the previous lecture, many Americans in the nineteenth century believed that slavery was an economic necessity. They argued that it s abolishing would ruin the country’s economy. Explain how The American Anti-Slavery Almanac tried to discredit this notion.Throughout The American Anti-Slavery Almanac, abolitionists explained how they discredited the idea that abolishing slavery would ruin the country’s economy. The abolitionists explained that getting rid of slavery would stop the theft that was going on between slaves and slaveholders and actually increase profit, which would help the economy. On page 44 it is explains that cotton is a major product that slaveholders have slaves working on. The slaves would steal a lot of this cotton causing loss of money.On page 36, it explains that getting rid of slavery would force the slaves to now work for their own money and benefits, which would open up more jobs and more spending, which all helps the economy. And lastly one other argument that was made throughout The American Anti-Slavery Almanac was that slaveholders would no longer have to pay their slave s and could now make and sell more products. All of these arguments come to one conclusion, which is that the abolitionists stressed that with the abolition of slavery will bring a better economy for both the slaveholders and slaves.

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