Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The importance of multicultural managemnt in hotel industry in sudan Essay

The importance of multicultural managemnt in hotel industry in sudan to sustain a competitive advantage - Essay Example Familiarity with both is essential because each has a bearing on an employee's every day behavior† (Tabije 2006, para. 1). In the study the questionnaires were two kinds they were the manager’s questionnaire and the employee’s questionnaire. The questionnaire is the method of data collection hired by the individual's researchers, and the organizations in getting the adequate information. A questionnaire consists of the series of questions, given to the chosen respondents for getting the data. In questionnaire method, we use two categories of questions such as Open ended and closed questions. These two categories of the questions are extremely diverse in nature and usage. Open ended questions are expected to obtain descriptive answers. This type of question starts with what, describe, why and how. Closed questions can be replied with a single or small phrase. Also, this type of questions can have a limited application. The samples obtained from the questionnaire we re collected and the study consists of the various sampling techniques employed for the research work. The sample in this particular portion of the survey is about population. The samples here were classified on the basis of the socio-economic characteristics of the employees in the hotel, gender, age groups, religion, language spoken, qualification, department which they belong to and the experience in the field. At times the employees filled the questionnaires partly and at times considered them an intrusion on the privacy of an individual and unwarranted for the research. Demographic Data: A number of questions were filled in the last section of the review about traits demographic individuality of the respondents, and the circumstances they lived. Behavior demographics were collected on sex, location categorization. Other information in this section was concerning industry sector of the business they work for and the volume of the company. Demographic data was unruffled on indivi dual respondents due of concern about confidentiality. Respondents by Socio-Economic Characters: As the questionnaires were two kinds one to be filled up by the mangers and the others to be filled up by the employees, the questionnaires of the mangers consisted of descriptive questions, and that of the employees consisted of the questions based on the culture,language,experience,religion,qualifications etc. The mangers were to answer based on the various facts like the affect of the culture on the work attitudes, the impact of the diversification in the workplace of the organization, usefulness of the application of the multicultural theories in suggesting the synergy of the organization and on the cultural needs and the intergration of the same. Managers require to be conscious of the two systems and their possessions. At the boundaries a strong, controlling official work system can strangle inventiveness and inspiration and a strong, insubordinate can effect in chaos and weaken an d demolish the Reliability and practical use of the administrator work system. The response for management is to struggle for an optimal point on the band at which to operate. The employee’s questionnaire was based on the job satisfaction and the employees’ perception on the hotel management culture which include the perceptions on the culture of the

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