Monday, September 30, 2019

Pre Revolutionary War Attitudes

By the 1750’s, Americans began to query their involvement with the British Empire by establishing their own identity and unity as Americans. The colonist began to see a strong display of British oppression. Taxes and the different Acts, such as the Intolerable Acts caused the colonists to believe that it would be better if they were separated from their mother country. Colonists also felt that some of their rights and liberties were being taken away by the British Empire. By the eve of the revolution colonist had a sense of identity of an American.America became the melting pot of the world. Colonist began to think of themselves as a new race of men (Document H). Colonist slowly dismissed their ancient dispositions and demeanor and accommodated new ones (Document H). With a natural barrier (the ocean) between Great Britain and America, colonist started to think of the colonies as a separate nation (Document B). The ocean caused the colonist to believe that they were separated from the mother land for a reason (Document B). They believed that the ocean was there to prevent the colonies from blending with Great Britain (Document B).Since colonists were separated from Great Britain they considered having their own congress (Document D). The colonist would rather have three thousand people who is living near them and who can see the problems they are facing govern them rather than have one person govern them that isn’t there and doesn’t know what’s going on in the area the colonist are located at (Document D). Another act of identity is show in 1774 and 1775 (Document G). During those years Boston wasn’t relying on Great Britain to provide them with donations of goods, such as food, animals, or money (Document G).This illustrates that the colonies don’t need to confide on Great Britain and they can depend on the other colonies alternatively. Throughout these events it is evident that the colonists are displaying a sense of identity. Before the revolution, the colonist displayed many acts of unity. In 1754, a picture of a cut up snake was posted in the Pennsylvania Gazette (Document A). Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"If not united to form a whole snake, then the snake cannot survive†. The picture displayed that if the colonies do not come together as one united nation, it is possible that the different colonies could perish (Document A).This picture could have motivated the colonies to act as one nation. In 1774, it was said that a very small corrupted Junto, a self appointed committee in New York acknowledged the idea that all of North America was united (Document C). The Junto also acknowledged that North America was determined to defend their rights and liberties endlessly against Great Britain (Document C). On July 6, 1775, the representatives of the United Colonies of North America met in Congress at Philadelphia to talk about going to war (Document E).Colonists were daring to start reb ellions and resist their authority to preserve their liberties (Document E). The representatives were under the impression that all the colonist had the same state of mind. They thought that they would rather die as freemen rather than like slaves (Document E). Another unifying act of the colonies was when many of the colonies donated food, animals, money, and etc to Boston in 1774 and 1775 (Document G). The colonies donated goods due to the Intolerable Acts, when the British closed the Boston ports.This illustrates that the colonist were willing to come and work together to help other colonies in need. Throughout these events it is evident that the colonists are displaying a sense of unity. Throughout history there has been many acts of Americans developing a sense of identity and unifying as one nation. Americans were very devoted to making sure they were not taken advantage of by Great Britain. Although Americans had to fight for their independence and their liberties they were a ble to push and break free from the British Empire.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Search for Three Truths in the United States

With the dream of liberty and the pursuit of happiness my family has immigrated halfway around the world, from Vietnam to America. My parents fled to the United States, not for them but for the unending opportunities for their children. My parents have sacrificed their whole live for their children to have freedom and a bright future, regardless of any difficulties. My parent†s sacrifices are the motivation that pushed me to higher level of education because I acknowledge the amount of pain my family underwent by coming to the United States by extracting the maximum amount of knowledge in my undergraduate studies. I felt overwhelmed when I left Vietnam for the United States because not only did I have to learn a new language, I needed to learn a new philosophy, one completely the opposite of what the communist had taught me. It wasn†t that hard to forget the corrupt philosophy and learn a new philosophy, but it takes time to learn a new language, especially during childhood. It was very difficult for a child to keep his native language and to learn a second language and expect him to fluent in both languages. So I struggled with the English language throughout my elementary and middle school, but I knew if I put effort into studying, eventually I would be able to overcome my language difficulties. I worked assiduously throughout my high school career and received almost straight A†s in Honors and AP classes. While I may not have had much opportunity for advancement or education in Vietnam, in the U.S I placed my education and future as my ambition. My family fled to the United States with a dream to search for three truths: life, liberty, and happiness. We are very fortunate to find these â€Å"truths†, however, along the way there were many hardships, difficulties and asperities. I am glad that these difficulties have occurred to my life because it made me a stronger person, a dedicated student, and person that has the capability of tacking problems to matter how great.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Campus life Essay

Why do you want to transfer to Carolina, and what do you believe you will contribute to campus life and what can I contribute for campus life? I want to transfer to the University of North Carolina because I believe it is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. Basically, I believe that the school’s excellent academic programs and comfortable environment would greatly help me in developing my career. Moreover, I believe that I would be receiving high-quality education as the school has highly-competent instructors and professors. In other words, I would be learning from the best, and in effect, I could potentially excel in my chosen career. Furthermore, since the university is located in an area rich in culture, political history, and working opportunities, I believe that I can broaden my perspective regarding various aspects of the country while earning enough to live a decent life. In other words, I believe that I will have a bright future in the university as it will provide me with not only the best education, but also an environment that is easy to adapt to. If I am blessed and fortunate enough to be admitted to the University of North Carolina, I believe that I would be able add more to its success with my various skills. Being an international student, I believe I can contribute to its cultural diversity as my peers would be able to learn more from my culture and I, in turn, would be able to learn from them. In addition, I believe that my passion and my skills in playing the saxophone would also allow me to actively participate in musical activities. In short, I believe that the UNC would not only help in my personal growth, but also allow me to become a well-rounded and highly competent professional in my chosen career after I graduate.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Globalization of the Food System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Globalization of the Food System - Essay Example The majority of the countries around the globe appear to be headed in a similar direction in terms of globalization of food (Inglis and Gimlin 110). There are different circumstances that affect the food security of different nations and in different ratios. Their impacts on the populations health also differ greatly. Many new countries are currently joining the process as a result of the fiscal and political reforms in their countries. These include nations such as South Africa, India, Columbia and many more around the globe (Ronald, 75). For example, the Colombian government eliminated tariffs on imports, which led to an increase in the nation’s imports. These imports have in turn impacted the livestock sector positively since their livestock always have enough food to eat. Since the year 1990, the supply along with the demand of food has been changing gradually. This has brought about the sprout and expansion of supermarkets across the globe, so as to supply the demands of consumers. The demand for food is increasing due to the increase in cases of urbanization around the globe along with the ease of accessibility of refrigeration facilities. The supply of food across the globe has greatly been advanced as a result of more freedoms in the market, investments from foreign nations and improvements made in technology (Behnassi, Draggan and Sanni 67). Urbanization has caused changes in the eating habits of the people along with changes in their health. By the year 2001, about 48% of the world’s population was living in urban areas, which included 76% of the people in first world countries. It is also estimated that 40% of the populations living in third world countries live in urban centers. Research from different scholars suggests that people excessively flock to urban centers due to poverty and the need to feed their families. This leads the urban centers becoming centers of scarcity since food and other resources are limited. Other researchers suggest that excessive poverty in the rural areas causes people to migrate to urban areas to have better living standards. The food situation in developing nations has worsened, and this is due to the fact that there is inequality in the trading opportunities countries get. The food situation in many developing nations is also adversely being affected by various issues. These issues include the dumping of exports in these countries by developed nations, the lack of subsidies by their governments on agricultural activities and the use of tariffs, which are unfair. Most agriculturally productive areas in the rural areas have also been destroyed thus endangering the peoples food security. This in turn reduces the people’s returns from agricultural activities (Behnassi, Draggan and Sanni123). Changes in the dietary habits of the people living in urban areas leads to poor health and nutrition among them. Previous studies carried out suggest that countries with most people living i n urban areas have greater GDP’s than those with fewer people. These issues also affect the mortality rate among the infants in a nation. Countries having greater GDP’s tend to experience greater communal and fiscal inequalities (Vaidya 157). Globalization of the food system has brought changes to the people’s diet. This has been influenced by the changes in the people’s incomes and the prices charged for the products. The prices and incomes of the people influence the availability and delivery

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Advanced management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Advanced management accounting - Essay Example The process of benchmarking involves the search for the best practices and then comparing the performance with that followed in the organization and determining the future performance. The three underlying principles of the process are quality, customer satisfaction and improvement in action. (Kozak, 2004, p.5) The application of the process of Benchmarking is done to improve the overall productivity of the business. Through the process of Benchmarking it enables the organization to highlight their individual strength and weakness. The internal knowledge about a business is essential to bring about changes in performance level and through benchmarking the objective is achieved. As the process of Benchmarking involves a finding of the best practices used by organization, it also enables an overall analysis of the competitors. Thus the process of benchmarking enables organizations to stay ahead of the competitors in the same line of business (Moore, 2008, p.181). Four types of benchmar king are generally in use by the organizations. They are named as internal benchmarking, external benchmarking, competitive benchmarking and sector benchmarking. The scopes and objectives of the different heads of benchmarking are different in their nature. (Wober, 2002, p.3) Intel has been global leaders in the makers of computer chipsets over a decade. The business aims to improve the performance of the new generation of chipset in every release of their updated product. The popularity of Intel has been so vast that it has almost established a monopoly in the market of PC chipset producers. The company uses the process of benchmarking as one of the tools to improve the overall performance of the organization. Intel uses the help of PC platform performance bench marking process that helps in analyzing and measuring the performance of the PC’s build by them. The analyzing of the performance of their product helped them in Customer satisfaction to a large extent. The

Narration Paper Prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Narration Paper Prompt - Essay Example Being a student I steadily realized that the society itself differentiate between male and female. I am a female and soon I got friends with both males and females in my class. Two boys and one girl of them became my best friends. We used to do each and everything together, play games, lunch parties, every single thing which calls for some get to gather fun. My class occupied a male class teacher, who used to be responsible for our every act in school, outside the class boundaries. His name was James Scott, and we used to call him Professor James. Professor James was a teacher of Math in school. Outside he was a very friendly and generous teacher, but inside opposite to what he seemed. I never jumped into the diplomatic face of his, until an incident happened which showed Professor James hidden face. As you all know the students do some silly things also at their school times, especially along with support of boys. One day the two male best friends of mine, Nick & Harry brought some alcohol and weed to the school and planned to try them along with me and Tina for the first time. Everybody knows that smoking and alcohol is banned for us until we turn out to be 21. Likewise every school abides by this rule strictly, for their students. When Nick told me about this plan, I refused in the first place. But then Harry and Tina forced me that its nothing more than just fun, and trying just for once won’t kill me or them either. The plan was to try weed and alcohol after the Math class, in math class room, because no other classes were used to be conducted in that room for next two hours. The math class was the last class in the ground floor at the corner. Eventually, I agreed with my friends to go for this illegal act in the school itself. According to the plan we waited for the class to get empty after the math’s lecture. As soon as the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The importance of multicultural managemnt in hotel industry in sudan Essay

The importance of multicultural managemnt in hotel industry in sudan to sustain a competitive advantage - Essay Example Familiarity with both is essential because each has a bearing on an employee's every day behavior† (Tabije 2006, para. 1). In the study the questionnaires were two kinds they were the manager’s questionnaire and the employee’s questionnaire. The questionnaire is the method of data collection hired by the individual's researchers, and the organizations in getting the adequate information. A questionnaire consists of the series of questions, given to the chosen respondents for getting the data. In questionnaire method, we use two categories of questions such as Open ended and closed questions. These two categories of the questions are extremely diverse in nature and usage. Open ended questions are expected to obtain descriptive answers. This type of question starts with what, describe, why and how. Closed questions can be replied with a single or small phrase. Also, this type of questions can have a limited application. The samples obtained from the questionnaire we re collected and the study consists of the various sampling techniques employed for the research work. The sample in this particular portion of the survey is about population. The samples here were classified on the basis of the socio-economic characteristics of the employees in the hotel, gender, age groups, religion, language spoken, qualification, department which they belong to and the experience in the field. At times the employees filled the questionnaires partly and at times considered them an intrusion on the privacy of an individual and unwarranted for the research. Demographic Data: A number of questions were filled in the last section of the review about traits demographic individuality of the respondents, and the circumstances they lived. Behavior demographics were collected on sex, location categorization. Other information in this section was concerning industry sector of the business they work for and the volume of the company. Demographic data was unruffled on indivi dual respondents due of concern about confidentiality. Respondents by Socio-Economic Characters: As the questionnaires were two kinds one to be filled up by the mangers and the others to be filled up by the employees, the questionnaires of the mangers consisted of descriptive questions, and that of the employees consisted of the questions based on the culture,language,experience,religion,qualifications etc. The mangers were to answer based on the various facts like the affect of the culture on the work attitudes, the impact of the diversification in the workplace of the organization, usefulness of the application of the multicultural theories in suggesting the synergy of the organization and on the cultural needs and the intergration of the same. Managers require to be conscious of the two systems and their possessions. At the boundaries a strong, controlling official work system can strangle inventiveness and inspiration and a strong, insubordinate can effect in chaos and weaken an d demolish the Reliability and practical use of the administrator work system. The response for management is to struggle for an optimal point on the band at which to operate. The employee’s questionnaire was based on the job satisfaction and the employees’ perception on the hotel management culture which include the perceptions on the culture of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Retail Marketing Strategy Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Retail Marketing Strategy Management - Essay Example The products are completely associated with the retail stores at which they are available. Through positioning your retail store builds a certain image of your products in the minds of the people which ultimately generates the volume of customers for your retail store. Retail stores in Singapore are extremely cosmopolitan, complex and sophisticated with nearly every international retailer present there. These retail stores usually depend on high volume of customers for generating their sales. Therefore in order to position the retail store in Singapore in order to gain competitive advantage, there is a need to focus on the market niches and increase sales through regionalization. Strategic allies can also be formed with the international retailers in order to gain competitive advantage. The type of image that a retail store would project for its customers in the target segment harbor should be such that their products and not just the brand it carries should be positioned. The image of a retail store should be that of a brand that adds value to the purchase of the shoppers. Brand positioning is highly important for retail stores at Singapore because the competition is increasing and new competitors are arriving in the market with more efficient strategies. Therefore, in order to gain competitive advantage, brand positioning can be done by: The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with ... A brand adding value to the purchase of the shoppers so that they are willing to spend more A retail store selling products and not just the brand EXAM QUESTION 2: INTERNATIONAL CONSUMERS' MARKET IN SINGAPORE Introduction The retail marketplace at Singapore is highly saturated with a number of international players. The population of Singapore also consists of a number of tourists and foreigners as Singapore is one of the best tourism spot. Therefore the retail market for international consumers in Singapore is full of opportunities. Since the international consumers have high spending patterns, therefore, targeting this market niche can result in a number of prospective sales. Discussion and Analysis Singapore is a tourism spot for a number of international visitors. At every time in the year, you will find a considerable amount of international consumers in the country. Therefore, the market of the international consumers, if properly targeted and positioned, can generate great retail business and attract a high volume of consumers. The international consumers are usually unaware of the prices and therefore make purchases through the retail stores which they know of and which are mostly international retail stores. The Singaporean retail stores should also target the international consumers due to the increased competition and also because a large population in Singapore comprises of international consumers. The attractiveness of the market for international consumers is evident from the fact that the retail marketplace in Singapore is highly competitive with each retailer targeting specific market niches. Therefore, the market for international consumers is another market

Monday, September 23, 2019

Racism and Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racism and Media - Essay Example n the aspect of not being living- rather, it is an integral part of it and therefore utilizes the pool of knowledge in society, or in other words, common sense. The media’s role in informing how African Americans are viewed by white Americans has been very key. One does not need to look far to see the images of violence, drug use and substance abuse that have now come to be associated with African Americans. They are everywhere in the movies for instance. You need a villain who will be finally beaten and imprisoned to make the hero look good, find a black guy, give him a gang, and a number of guns, and you have your story (Rooney, 2007). Typical example in the movie ‘the second chance†. African Americans too have come to be associated with poverty. They are portrayed as â€Å"these people who are doing everything to make the ends meet and yet whatever they do, regardless of their efforts is not nearly good enough†. For instance, in Tyler Perrys movie Good deeds, the lady cannot do anything to save her family which she cares about from poverty and is highly in need of a knight in shining armor, who shows up later in the film and fortunately for this film, happens to be an African American. The media does not only perpetuate the inferior view of African Americans contrary to white Americans by use of negative roles ascribed to these people in films, journals and books, also, through giving their white counterparts a nearly infallible view, presenting them as educated, wealthy and focused people, while not saying anything of their counterparts. It is true that you do not just inform by the things u say but also those that you do not. In conclusion, the media has and will continue to portray a negative view of African Americans. It communicates values, norms, beliefs and behaviors of members of the dominant society, which is the white American in this case (Rooney, 2007). As long as the small percentage that owns the business is of the dominant society,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pak mulls removing import duy on Indian Tea Essay Example for Free

Pak mulls removing import duy on Indian Tea Essay Free trade takes place when there are no barriers and no intrusions to trade put by the authority(government and trade organisations). Free trade allows goods and services to flow freely freely from one country to another. The opposite to free trade is Protectionism. There are many protectionism that the government of a particular country can impose on trade. Main types of protectionism: * Tariffs * Subsidies * Quotas * Embargoes The governement of Pakistan has imposed a trade barrier on the import of Tea from India. India tea is under a 10 percent import duty. Some possible reasons for the imposition of Import duty on Tea are given below. * To prevent over specialisation * To raise government revenue * To remove balance of payment deficits Given below is a graph that shows the effect of imposing import duty on the import of Tea. Due to the imposition of import duty the prices for Tea rises from P-world to P- import duty because of which the Supply curve shifts from S-world to S- world+ import duty . Therefore there is an overall consumer loss. Areas a,b,c and d shows the consumer loss. Area a shows the producers gain. Area b shows green loss. It is said to be a Green Loss because there is inefficiency that is creeping in this area as inefficient domestic producers are now producing this area at a higher price. Area c shows the government revenue due the import duty. Area d shows the net loss. d is not being produced or demanded due to the rise in prices, this shows the net loss towards the consumer. Tea is an important drink in every Pakistani house and Pakistan is the second largest importer of Tea. Therefore the demand curve for Tea in Pakistan is very inelastic. The smuggled tea is sold at a low cost but due to the Inelastic demand for Tea, The change in the price of tea should have a realively low change in the demand. However, the article states that Pakistan imports 140 million kg and 20 million kg is smuggled. This shows that 12.5 % of tea is smuggled, which is a very high rate. This indirectly shows that Tea inspite of being very inelastic in demand, a change in price will have a big effect on the demand. Area d in the above graph is consumer loss in Trade between India and Pakistan. However, this area is being demanded and supplied throught smuggling and illegal trade. Therefore, Area d can also be observed as the government loss of revenue. India and Kenya are the two main countrys supplying Pakistan with tea. Due to the drought in Kenya the prices have increased tremendously. This puts Pakistan in a very infavourable situation. S-world takes into account the imported supply of Tea from India and Kenya. Due to the import duty the price shifts from P world to P- import duty and the supply shifts from S- world to S- world+ import duty. Again due to the drougth the price shifts from P- import duty to P1 and the supply shifts from S- world+ import duty to S- world 2. Due to the very high prices people will stop consuming Tea and move to other alternatives like coffee. Also smuggling of Tea will increase tremendously. The net effect will have a tremedous loss of revenue for the government.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Clubhouse Facilities For The Youth Physical Education Essay

Clubhouse Facilities For The Youth Physical Education Essay Young people are trying to make an impact and make a positive transition to adulthood. This research will provide an over view of what facilities the youth need and want. Out of school services for the youth is essential. Youth are concerned about not having enough facilities for them. Most youths even use this as an excuse when they end up in trouble. When most youths are asked what problems they go through they tend to say boredom and nothing to do For the purpose of this research clubhouse will be defined as an enclosed space used for regular gathering for different purposes these being leisure and social purposes. Youths need to progress from childhood to adulthood therefore clubhouses can play a role in the development of such services to them. Lack of youth facilities are the main barriers towards youths involvement in recreational activities. Clubhouses are an ideal place to meet friends and socialize. Sports activities, fitness centers music clubs and the likes can all be incorporated into a clubhouse. Problem Statement Most clubhouses in Malaysia do not have facilities for the youth. The youth are increasing in population and a need for an environment for them to interact and grow in a responsible but monitored way is of importance. This intern would help reduce crime, drug abuse and other mischief the youths engage in. Scope of Research Most clubhouses in Negeri Sembilan do not accommodate for an eco-friendly environment and youth facilities. The aim of this research is to improve the design of clubhouses so as to also cater for the youth in and around Malaysia. This will be done by a comparison of clubhouse facilities in Negeri Sembilan. Negeri Sembilan will be ideal because it is the state which has the highest number of clubhouses in Malaysia. Research Purpose The purpose of this research is to identify and investigate facilities offered by clubhouses. This information can then be used for the design of an environmentally friendly and eco- conscious clubhouse for the youth. The research will take into consideration two issues Whether existing clubhouses accommodate for the youth And what facilities would be appropriate and engaging for the youth This will be done through reviewing existing clubhouses and analyzing leisure trends for the youth. Research Objectives Identify the required comfortable facilities of a clubhouse Investigate and evaluate the suitability of current or existing facilities of a clubhouse To identify the requirements to develop a clubhouse which can meet the current and future demands of the youth. Recommend the required or proper facilities to be applied for the youth and determine strategies that will help these clubhouses meet youths needs Research Questions Why do clubhouses not accommodate for the youth? What do the youth have to say about it? Will the availability of clubhouse youth facilities improve youth behavior and encourage the young adults? What eco-friendly facilities do the youths need? Does the community think youth facilities are necessary and important for the development of the youth How many youths would actually use the clubhouse facilities? How eco-friendly are the facilities in existing clubhouses Hypothesis the hypothesis throughtout this research is h0 Non participation by youth in youth activities can be related to the inadequacy of existing clubhouses dealing with the provision of youth facilities h1 Availability Youth facilities in accordance to youths needs and wants are linked to a range of positive outcomes from the youth. h3 the lack of youth facilities for the youth in Negeri Sembilan leads to the youths neglecting the existing clubhouse facilities. Methodology Audit of existing clubhouse facilities Analysis of clubhouse sites Review reports and studies Analysis of sport, recreational and social trends influencing the youth Survey of clubhouse organizations Community survey (questionaires) Group meetings with young adults(youths) Conclusion This chapter has attempted to expose the main problem underpinning the research. As the reasearcher I am left with several questions that specific answers are being sought. The following chapters will help me derive answers and conclusions or recoomodation for the question raised by the research questions C:UsersThe Beauty clinicDownloadslinton.jpg C:UsersThe Beauty clinicDownloadscoventry Names Ruth Rumbidzai Mataswa Matric card number Cuadt4-09/09-00026 Subject Design And Project Implement (Workshop) Title Research Proposal Lecturer Ms.Lin Yola CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Defining Youth Clubhouse Facility Clubhouse Guidelines Youth Facilities Youth Facility Planning Framework Planning of Youth Facilities Classification of Youth Facilities Introduction Introduction A clubhouse is a building or an area used for social or recreational purposes and activities. It gives individuals the opportunity to relax and exercise their interests and abilities.They are several clubhouses in Negeri Sembilan a state in Malaysia. The initiative aims is to enhance opportunity for young adults to become physically active through the development of a eco-friendly leisure environment. Identifying the impact and factors that affect participation in leisure centres and focusing on actions that can be taken to improve participation can be done through exploring key concepts.Attending leisure centres is important inorder to maintain health and slowing down the deterioration of an individuals body and mind.. A club house arises from the necessity to create a public facility, the purpose of the club house is to provide opportunity for young adults ages 18-25 to experience an eco friendly environment and encourage interaction amoung each other.As Young adults are dealing with identity and purpose, a club house will serve as a community and entertainment area for them. A clubhouse has the potential to reshape orientation for young adults in several ways. This would motivate young adults to not get involved in crime, and instead join and meet together and encourage each other. The size and arrangement of spaces within the facility and the siting of the building should support and optimize the operation of the clubhouses activities. The primary purpose of a club house is to create and provide opportunity for the community to pursue their recreational interests. It also important to improve the physical environment and its accessibility AIM OF CLUBHOUSE The club house should achieve three goals Control and support activities in an eco friendly environment for the community Amenity for the community Service to the community A clubhouse should be accessible to as many community patrons as feasible. It should be visible from main circulation of the community, to increase accessibility.There are many aspects to a good club house but mainly it should serve the current and future needs of the club, culture, ability and gender. It should also be attractive, high quality, efficient and economical.The success of the clubhouse will depend on the responsiveness of its activity mix to the wishes of the community population, and to the effectiveness of the clubhouses internal organization and its location in the community. 2.0 The first stage for this review is to clarify from the literature the utilization of every of the terms. in this case definition of the youth, facilities, clubhouse and definition of a youth clubhouse DEFINING 2.1 YOUTH The United Nations General Assembly defines Youth as the persons falling between the ages of 15 24 years inclusive9.( UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.) The emerging of a new interim of social status between childhood and adulthood.(Jensen Rojek, 1998). The concept of adolescence has also been referred to in the literature as youth. From this perspective, it is apparent that youth are a uniquely separate group, requiring special attention to their needs as they move through this critical development period called adolescence (Siegel Welsh, 2005). It is felt that this is the right age and stage where the youth should be shaped and molded into responsible adults (Jensen Rojek, 1998, p37). In Malaysia, Putrajaya the youth are defined as the persons of age 18 and 25 under the new national Youth policy. Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek just recently confirmed the change of youth definition from 18 40 years to 18-25 years this was done in accordance to international standards. United Nations defines youth as 15 to 24years whilst Common wealth defines it as 15 to 29 years. According to these literatures it is clear that the youth are considered to be those persons aged between 15 and 24 years, and from my perspective, I think the youth need attention as they develop. Youth is generally the time of life between childhood and adulthood (maturity) Among other youth related issues, the World Program of Action for Youth to the year 2000 and beyond identifies several issues that should be of high priority to Government and what the government are expected to offer the youth. Leisure time activities, is in the top ten of their highest priority. This brings us to the literature of leisure activities, which in this case can be achieved through the use of clubhouses. 2.1.1 FACILITY Something that creates the potential of better performance of any action; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ freedom from difficulty; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ ease; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a building or complex of buildings, designed for a particular purpose, as for the holding of a sporting contest 2.1.2 CLUBHOUSE Is a building or enclosed area used as a regular gathering place by a group of people Community centre where community members gather for group activities, social support, public information and other purposes. Youth clubhouse: it is popularly known as a youth centre,it is an area where youth gather for recreational and leisure activities The youth centers are integrated into the mainstream community centers and have deliberately been not built as stand alone youth facilities. (Paul Leung) The International Clubhouse Coordination and Development helps support and coordinate the development of clubhouses, and helps coordinate training and on-going technical support on the club model through club training. It was established in 1994 and is bases in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. The ICCD maintains associate international certification process (ICCD Certification),a fidelity live, and a set of International Standards for club Programs. ICCD certification may be a clear demonstration of a clubhouses quality and commitment to excellence, associated provides an objective analysis of quality associated performance and an enlarged awareness of a clubhouses strengths and needs. The ICCD also provides technical help for stakeholders seeking to implement the model, a shift employment development program and may be a clearinghouse for clubhouse information. The Program for building analysis (PCR) at the University of Massachusetts graduate school conducts research relating to building effectiveness also as quality improvement efforts. One endeavor at the PCR is conducting a comprehensive survey of clubhouses affiliated with the ICCD for functions of quality assurance and program improvement. building administrators complete the survey designed to get info regarding the ways during which clubhouses opportunities for their members as well as individual outcomes for members utilizing clubhouse employment opportunities. The International Survey of Clubhouses seeks to look at and improve services provided in building programs affiliated with the International Center for building Development. One implicit goal underlying the International Survey of Clubhouses involves strengthening program infrastructure each by increasing the capability of clubhouses to gather valid and reliable info on a timely basis. The International Survey of Clubhouses seeks a range of knowledge regarding building characteristics, governance and administration, membership, staffing and staff credentials, unit structure, employment, housing activities, services, and participation in building training. 2.2 CLUBHOUSE GUIDELINES Careful planning of the accommodation is essential to confirm a roaring theme and special consideration ought to be given to the following points: The accommodation may be expanded to include: club/committee room offices restaurants fitness centre exercise studio physic treatment and first aid room bar and lounge dining area other social and indoor sports accommodation Library grounds maintenance store computer room However having these extra sports and social aspects depend on their potential to attract maximized use of the facility. The LGAQ Guidelines (1996:105-6) suggest that community facilities be understood as a means to an end in terms of multiple purposes they serve in the community: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ providing focal points for community interaction, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ building community identity, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ providing places and resources for meetings, community organising and activities, strengthening relationships, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ building responsible, self-supportive and safe communities, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Providing places and resources for delivery of services. 2.3 YOUTH FACILITY PLANNING FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a structure composed of parts fitted and united together, designed to support or enclose something The Social Planning Guidelines for Queensland Local Government (LGAQ 1996:105) pushes the limitations of this definition by asserting that community facilities can also be taken to include areas of open space such as parks, gardens, playgrounds, recreation areas, sports fields and bush lands. [p105] However, having pushed the limits of the definition, the Social Planning Guidelines immediately revert to a discussion of buildings. International literature reveals that integral to developing a youth facility planning framework is a clear understanding of the nexus, linking youth policy, youth participation and youth planning. 2.4 YOUTH FACILITIES Developing clear access or inclusion programs to ensure the youth facility is integrated into existing community facilities. It builds on a vision of more effective, accessible services for youth. It also integrates an array of services including: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ health and health education; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ career counselling and job placement; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ education, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ the creative and physical arts; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ food services and nutrition counselling; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ prenatal care and services for adolescent parents, including nursery care; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ mental health counselling; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ substance abuse prevention and treatment services; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ legal counselling and representation; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ youth leadership training; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ information and referral services; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a variety of support services. Daly (2000:89-90) argues that the development of specific facilities requires project planning methodology According to Daly (2000:87) an approach to planning facilities is one that involves: Audit of existing facilities Future needs or opportunities analysis Classification of the facility types required at local, regional, state and international levels. 2.5 PLANNING OF YOUTH FACILITIES For the planning of youth facilities in particular, equity and social justice, rational distribution, integration, access, community development, location and collocation are identified as important. Several similar planning processes are considered. The significant insight offered by Daly (2000) is that a planning process at a regional or citywide level will involve a strategic planning process; but the planning of a specific facility requires a project planning methodology. 2.6 OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES FOR FACILITY PLANNING Daly (2000:77-80) identifies six objectives for regional level facility planning these being 1. Equity and social justice 2. Rational distribution 3. Integration 4. Access 5. Future provision 6. Conservation and environmental sustainability For each, Daly (2000) articulates planning principles: 1. Equity and social justice Consideration for the needs of all sections of the community regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or ability. Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identify and set aside land to meet the needs of existing and future population à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide facilities and open spaces capable of being adapted to meet the changing needs of the community over time à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain a balance of active and passive uses à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide open space of high amenity 2. Rational distribution (A hierarchical structure ensures state and metropolitan, regional and local facilities complement each other) Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Local facilities provide a range of recreation and sports services à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Regional facilities provide a wide range of recreation and specialist sport facilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ State facilities have state significance and provide specialist facilities 3. Integration (Linkages with other community facilities, proximity to centres, and multiple use) Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Encourage co-location in centres à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Encourage multiple use à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proximity to education, shopping, office and community facilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Design to accommodate as many different uses as possible à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide for a range and combination of uses 4. Access (Access by public and private transport is maximized) Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure access by public, private and community transport à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide pedestrian and cycle linkages to residential areas à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure facilities are designed to be accessible 5. Future provision (Adequate land is provided in appropriate locations) Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identify and set aside land to meet the needs of existing and future population à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide facilities and open spaces capable of being adapted to meet the changing needs of the community over time à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain a balance of active and passive uses à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide open space of high amenity 6. Conservation and environmental sustainability (Designing and locating facilities should take into account conservation of the environment) Principles: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Environmentally suitable design à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Locate to minimise obtrusive effects on the living environment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Orient facilities and spaces with appropriate landscaping à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide adequate lighting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Use design features to design the edges of public spaces and give direction . 2.6 CLASSIFICATION OF YOUTH FACILITIES The Social Planning Guidelines for Queensland Local Government (1996:106-7) identify three types of community facilities according to their principal function: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ community activity centres where groups of people can meet and community activities can be conducted; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ community service centres from which a range of community services are provided; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ special purpose centres where design and usage restricts use for other purposes. Uses the following typology: Community infrastructure is defined as community, cultural, sport and recreation facilities, as outlined below: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sports: indoor and outdoor sports facilities, including courts, fields and centres à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Recreation: pedestrian and cycle pathways, public spaces, and facilities used for formal and informal recreation purposes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cultural: facility used for cultural purposes, including art gallery, library, theatre, cinema, museum, art/craft centres à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Community: facilities and services used for broad community purposes, including primary and high schools, University/TAFE, child care, church/religious centre, community and neighbourhood centre, community hall, hospital, medical/health centre, nursing home/aged care, caravan park, public housing, police station, and emergency services, key shopping centre/nodes. CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Introduction As from the previous chapter the literature review has given me an overview and foundation by which to base my research. It is quite clear that there is limited research to facilities of a clubhouse compared to a comparison of existing clubhouses. Background of site The study area is in Negeri Sembilan one of the states in Malaysia. It covers an area of 6643 square km and its state capital is Seremban. The royal capital is Seri Menanti in the district of Kuala Pilah. Other important towns are Port Dickson, Nilai and Mantin. I will be focusing on Nilai, Seremban and Mantin in particular because these are the only towns that have clubhouses. Nilai is a rapidly growing town and is mostly occupied by students because of the surrounding universities. Mantin is another town in Negeri Sembilan and is under administration of Nilai District. It is along the main road connecting Seremban to Kajang. Seremban Was declared as a city and is the capital of Negeri is situated about 30 km inland from the coast For the purpose of this research both qualitative research methods are to be used in order to answer the research questions and achieve the research objectives as stated in chapter one. The research is to be conducted in the area of negeri Sembilan in Malaysia. The methods used to gain qualitative ideas of clubhouse facilities will be Literature review Case studies Questionnaires Interviews I will place the methods in hierarchal order Literature review and case study will be gathered for guidelines and brainstorming. Interviews and questionnaires will be used for information gathering purposes. The purpose of my methodology would be to Detail the research collection method Explore community considerations on clubhouses Identify what facilities the youth need from a clubhouse Residents within Negeri Sembilan would be surveyed using questionnaires. Structed interviews will also be conducted with the relevant clubhouse owners, managers, residents and clubhouse users. The use of clubhouse questionnaires and interviews is made in a way that my research is easier and would help me relate with what the community also think of existing clubhouses. Methodology process I will take Finalize literature review Select case study Make questionnaire and interview questions Review and revise questionnaire Schedule survey and interview dates Conduct interviews and survey Compile and analyze results Report findings Develop recommendations CASE STUDY I will be concentrating on clubhouses in Negeri Sembilan Malaysia. The first case study will be Staffield clubhouse because it is one of the best clubhouses in Malaysia and number one in Negeri Sembilan The second will be Nilai Spring clubhouse then Seremban international clubhouse. nsemb60 FIG 3.1 MAP OF NEGERI SEMBILAN ANd9GcQ5703XNqJMGaUq6472hmQIDBHqTdpsnEL8JEtokV_ORYu2_o31Dg FIG3.2 NILAI SPRING CLUBHOUSE ANd9GcTAUVney1WF0O-QKq7b7osw0QTJKwShxQgL2m3A2AhxvyzE-8EU FIG3.3 SEREMBAN INTERNATIONAL CLUBHOUSE club FIG3.4 STAFFIELD CLUBHOUSE MANTIN These three clubhouse case studies will be for comparison purposes in terms of clubhouse facilities offered. Comparison Will compare several clubhouses with the intention to differentiate the facilities they offer. Comparative research is a flexible way of comparing things especially when I need to derive a sufficient distinguishing of facilities which are offered by clubhouses. QUESTIONNAIRE The content of the questionnaire was developed in accordance to the research questions and much attention paid to the research objectives. The questionnaire was designed to determine the level of satisfaction with the range and type of clubhouse facilities existing. INTERVIEWS This is a form of qualitative research, it will come in the form of structured interview questions that will result in a meaningful and helpful collection of data. This type of research is very essential, in order to gain an understanding of clubhouses and their facilities and as well as community interests when it comes to clubhouses around their area or that they attend to. Chapter four Bar Chart 1: Respondents Age Most of the respondents are of the age 22 and the rest are at a constant of either 18, 20 and 21-24years Bar Chart2: Respondents Gender 47.5% of the respondents where males 34.4% of the respondents where female Bar Chart3: Respondents who have visited a clubhouse or been a member 72% have visited or been a member of a clubhouse 28% have not visited or been a member of a clubhouse before Bar Chart3: Respondents who have clubhouses around their area Majority of the respondents have clubhouses around their area Bar Chart4: respondents on if the existing clubhouses accommodate for them Most of the respondents believe that clubhouses around their area do not accommodate for them. Whilst the rest think they are adequate. PieChart1: Respondents male or female Slightly more males participated in the survey than females PieChart1: Respondents male or female on them being interested in attending More females are interested in attending or being a member of a clubhouse Bar Chart5: respondents on the rating of existing clubhouse facilities The facilities in existing clubhouses are of low standards whereas the others are of average standards offered Facilities Responses Percent of Cases N Percent offered facilities in existing clubhousea resturant 33 19.5% 68.8% ballroom(events) 11 6.5% 22.9% library 14 8.3% 29.2% clinic 10 5.9% 20.8% exercise studio 19 11.2% 39.6% bar 17 10.1% 35.4% indoor sport 20 11.8% 41.7% music studio 14 8.3% 29.2% lounge 17 10.1% 35.4% outdoor sport 10 5.9% 20.8% dance studio 4 2.4% 8.3% Total 169 100.0% 352.1% Table 1: respondents on facilities offered Restaurants seem to be a popular facility offered in the existing clubhouses Swimming pool comes closely after restaurant followed by indoor Sport important Facilities Responses Percent of Cases N Percent important clubhouse facilities fitness centre 6 27.3% 46.2% indoor Sports area 2 9.1% 15.4% music and Dance 1 4.5% 7.7% computer and internet cafe 1 4.5% 7.7% library 1 4.5% 7.7% ballroom 2 9.1% 15.4% resturant 3 13.6% 23.1% bar 6 27.3% 46.2% Total 22 100.0% 169.2% Table2: respondents on important facilities The youth picked fitness centre and bar as an important facility for them in comparison with other facilities. Restaurants and indoor sport where also considered as important . Appropriate Facilities Responses Percent of Cases N Percent appropriate for the youtha artAndDesign 24 9.7% 48.0% outdoorSport 22 8.9% 44.0% music studio 29 11.7% 58.0% cooking room 21 8.5% 42.0% fitness beauty Centre 19 7.7% 38.0% lounge 21 8.5% 42.0% computer room 18 7.3% 36.0% drama,film,drama 16 6.5% 32.0% indoor sport 13 5.2% 26.0% library 13 5.2% 26.0% BBq n Grill 15 6.0% 30.0% resturant 12 4.8% 24.0% swimming pool 25 10.1% 50.0% Total 248 100.0% 496.0% . Table3 : respondents on appropriate facilities The appropriate and engaging facilities the youth area most interested in are Music studio with 58.% Swimming pool with 50% Art and design with 48% Outdoor sport with 44% Cooking room and lounge seem to be of the same percentage of interest with in most cases 42% These are the five youth facilities the youth find interesting to them. INTERVIEW WITH CLUB MANAGERS ON EXISTING CLUBHOUSES Nilai Clubhouse Seremaban Clubhouse Mantin Clubhouse Existing clubhouses that offer facilities Responses Percent of Cases N Percent existing clubhouses existing clubhouses 1 33.3% 50.0%

Friday, September 20, 2019

Concept And Definition Of Hrp Business Essay

Concept And Definition Of Hrp Business Essay It is very natural that, the continual positive development of any business owe to its effective planning. Making all the necessary preparations and appropriate arrangements proactively basing upon what is expected to happen in future and performing a series of tasks and activities accordingly in a systematic and organized way is one of the important functions of management, which necessitates an effective and proactive planning process. Proper planning and designing an effective organizational structure by assigning an assortment of responsibilities to the concerned employees may help the business organizations to accomplish their set of objectives. Putting the right person at the right place and at the right time is essentially much important to any business as it comprises of a wide and comprehensive range of activities in relation to the management of man. Manpower power planning, not only focuses on the effective utilization of existing human elements but also concern in fulfill ing future manpower need of the organizations at the time of need. Man power planning is the process of determining manpower needs and the means and ways to meet those needs in order to carry out the integrated organizational plan. It is very much indispensable for any organization to perform the activities efficiently and to produce desired results. It is an apparently well known fact that, the success of any business highly rest upon the competent people that a business organization posses. Man power planning is considered as crucial functions of human resource management. It gives due importance to the human element than that of material elements and strive to manage and maintain the good will of a business. It endeavours to add to the organizational development and success of the business with due recognition of knowledge, skills, competence, experiences, expertise and talent of the employees. Effective recruitment and selection process follows an effective manpower planning process in fulfilling future manpower need as and when needed by the organisation. That necessitates manpower planning process and put lot of significance to it. At the same time, it contributes significantly to the achievement of organizational objectives by avoiding overstaffing and understaffing. However, although the notion of Human Resource Planning is well established in the HRM vocabulary, in practice, it does not seem to be as key HR activity. Need for man power planning is continuously driven by many of the factors in the organizations. It is essential when labour turnover is to be determined. There are situations that compel to replace older employees, disabled personnel and people whose medical conditions cause disturbances to usual functioning of the organisation. While executing effectively, man power planning process entails analyzing the requirements of present and future vacancies. These situations usually take place at the time of retirements, transfer of employees or they are upgraded due to promotion. Similarly, manpower planning is inevitable to deal with the situations that arise at the time, when employees avail their leaves or in case of their absences. In order to carry out the assigned task in a planned or intended way business organizations need personnel having necessary qualifications and experience which can be accomplished optimally through a effective man power planning process. Manpower planning is of great importance in identifying the surplus and shortages of the employees. In case of surplus, the man power may be redeployed from one area or activity to another in case of the former, whereas shortages demand providing required personnel. Man power demand forecasting, manpower supply forecasting and manpower audit are some of the important tasks concerning the process of manpower planning. Manpower demand involves estimating total man power requirements and planning accordingly. Then, the next step in manpower planning process is man power supply forecasting. It comprises of both internal supply forecasting and external supply forecasting. Internal supply forecasting works when the employees are transferred or promoted, while the need of external supply arises from the requirement of new workers when a business expands or there is change in technology or adopts new methods of production. In addition to that the process entails man power audit. Manpower audit is carried out through Skills inventory. It provides detail information about each employee. The overall value of an employee in an organization is also determined through skills inventory. For the sustenance of the key workers, man power audit analyses the factor s that compels and propels the employees to leave the current jobs and move elsewhere. As a result of which necessary measures may be taken to curb the rate of turnover in the context maximum utilization of Human Resources. Manpower planning is significant for the best interest of employees as well as for organization. While implementing appropriate selection procedures for the right candidates, Human resource planning undertakes proper recruitment methods and thereby preserves the individual talents of the employees. It focuses on assessing the requirement and the arrangement of training and development programs for the employees in order to equip them with the prerequisites of job. Manpower planning also focuses on the promotion procedures for competent people who can be entrusted with the challenges of advanced tasks. The inefficiencies of the employees are also identified by means of manpower planning process. So that necessary training may be provided leading towards improving employee morale. In this way the manpower planning process improves productivity and efficiency of the employees and their performance may be more effective and they can contribute optimally to the total organizational develo pment. Above all, the success of any business revolves round the quantity and quality of human resources of that particular organisation. CONCEPT AND DEFINITION OF HRP HRP is supposed to be an integral part of total organizational planning. The Human Resource Planning includes managerial activities that contribute to set the companys future objectives .It also determines appropriate means and ways for achieving those objectives. Where as organizational planning facilitates the realization of the companys future objectives and determines appropriate means for achieving those objectives. HRP is a systematic effort that comprises of three key elements: Workforce forecast Manpower assessment Staffing programme According to Leon C. Megginson, Human Resource Planning is an integrated approach to perform the planning aspects of the personnel function. It ensures sufficient supply of adequately developed and motivated workforce to perform the required duties and tasks to meet organizations objectives by satisfying the individual needs and goals of organizational members. Stainer defines manpower planning as a strategy for the acquisition, utilization, improvement, and preservation of human resources of an enterprise. It is a way of dealing with people in a dynamic situation. It relates to establishing job specifications or the qualitative requirements of job determining the number of personnel required and developing sources of supply of manpower. Human resource planning determines the determinants of changing job requirement. Technological advancement that requires introduction of new equipment, product, and process and invariably resulting in changes in jobs and job structure in an organization can be dealt with proper manpower planning. It is therefore, manpower planning is essential for the organization to meet the demands of future job requirements in order to survive and remain competitive. Otherwise, the organizations experiencing the effect of rapid technological change will face the shortages of skilled employees in the absence of effective human resource planning. HRP can be defined as the task of assessing and anticipating the skill, knowledge and labour time requirements of the organization and initiating necessary action to fulfil those requirements. If the organization is declining, it may need a reduction plan or redeploys its existing labour force. On the other hand, if it is growing or diversifying, it requires finding and tapping suitable sources of skilled labour. According to Coleman HR planning is The process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements to carry out the integrated plan of the organization. Manpower planning is the Strategy for acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation of an enterprises Human Resources. It is the process by which management determines the path for the organization to move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position in order to carry out integrated plan of the organization. Vetter (1967) defines Human Resource Planning as the process by which management determines how the organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired position. Through planning, management strives to have the right number and the right kind of people, at the right places, at the right time, doing right things resulting in maximum long-run benefits both for the organization and for the individual. Human resource planning takes place within the broad framework of organizational and strategic business planning. It involves forecasting the organizations future human resource needs and planning accordingly to meet those needs. It also includes establishing objectives and then developing and implementing HR programs like staffing, appraising, compensating, and providing training in order to ensure that people with the appropriate skills are available as and when the organization needs them. It may also include developing and implementing programs to improve employee performance or to increase employee satisfaction and involvement in order to boost organizational productivity, quality, or innovation (Mills, 1985b). Finally, human resource planning includes gathering data that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing planning programs which will be useful for the planners when revisions in their forecasts and programs are needed. Human resource planning is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees with requisite skills are available at the time of need. Human resource planning encompasses four elements: Quantity: No of employees Quality : Required, skills, knowledge and abilities Space: for which department, unit and level Time: at which point of time and how long Nature and Scope of HRP HRP includes identifying both present and future needs of various types of employees in an organisation, comparing these needs with the present workforce, and determining the numbers and types of employees to be recruited. Persons can be recruited and selected from outside the organisation or selected out of the organisations potential group and fit them into the organisational set up to get the best out of them. While extracting the best out of the employees, the organisation has also a responsibility to protect the interests of employees in terms of their career prospects, adequate compensation for their work, providing the best work environment and developing a culture of interpersonal, intrapersonal, employee-employer relationship and introduce a sense of quality consciousness within everyone to produce the best. Leading Features of HRP The leading features of HRPs are listed below. It is systematic in approach. It ensures a continuous and proper staffing. It checks on occupational imbalances i.e shortages or surplus occurring in any of the department of the organization. There is a certain degree of flexibility, which is meant for modifications and alterations in accordance with the needs of the organization or to adopt with the changing circumstances. Manpower plans can be done both at micro and at the macro levels. Thus, HRP is a kind of risk management tool. It involves realistically appraising the present human resources and anticipating the future need as far as possible in order to get the right people into right jobs at the right time. Underlying Factors of HRP Undoubtedly, there are a lot many factors that contribute for the increased attention towards human resource planning. Again, environmental forces like globalization, new technologies, economic conditions, and changing characterstics of work forces create complexity and add uncertainty for organizations. Therefore, organizations typically attempt to reduce the interference of uncertainty. While attempting so, formal planning is considered as one common tactic used by organizations to buffer themselves from environmental uncertainty (Thompson, 1967). Manpower Planning vs Human Resource Planning Manpower planning or HR planning both can be used interchangeably. HR planning is more broad-based. Human Resources planning refer to planning conducted for all aspects of Human Resources. It takes care of training, employee safety, recruitment, manning levels, Performance Management and so on. But manpower planning basically tends to revolve predominantly around numbers. The number of people required to perform efficiently and productively in order to produce the best results with minimum cost is known as manpower planning. However, these concepts are always evolving and are variously called as manpower planning, personnel planning or employment planning and human resource planning. Levels of HRP Human resource planning is done at various levels. The purpose of manpower planning determines its level. However, broadly level of manpower planning falls in the following categories. National Level: At National level, government of India undertake macro human resource plans for the entire country by anticipating the demand for and supply of human requirements at the national level. Sectoral Level: Along with central government various state governments of the country also plan human resource requirements for different sectors of the economy. Sectoral level manpower planning endeavours to cater the needs of manpower requirements of some particular sectors like Agriculture Sector, Industrial Sector and Service Sector. Industry Level: To cater to the manpower needs of a particular industry such as Engineering and Heavy Industries, Paper Industries, and Consumer Goods Industries, Public Utility Industries, Textile, Cement/Chemical Industries and so on and so forth industry level manpower planning is done. Unit/ Departmental Level: To take care the manpower needs of a particular department in a company such as Marketing Department, Production Department, Finance Department, etc unit or department level manpower planning is conducted. Job Level: Man power planning at job level fulfils the human resource requirements of a particular job family within a department. For example, the requirement of number of sales executives in the marketing department or customer care people in customer care department is done by planning at the level of Job. Periods of HRP Short -Term Human Resource Planning: Short term Human resource planning primarily focuses on designing and implementing the activities like recruitment, selection systems, and training programs to serve short-term organizational needs. Generally such activities involve an element of planning that is future-oriented to some extent. Short-term human resource planning is done to achieve long term objectives of the organisation. Long-Term Human Resource Planning: Increasingly, long-term human resource planning is done minimum for the period of three years or sometimes beyond that. Long term human resource planning is critical for the effective functioning of organizations. The rapidly changing world and highly competitive marketplace is causing firms to turn their focus on human resources for survival and competitiveness. Effective long-term human resource planning demands integration of the skills and knowledge of the manpower planner and all other executives who are responsible for strategic planning. Intermediate -Term Human Resource Planning: Human resource planning is a risk averting tool and buffer organizations from future uncertainty. Since, human resource programs such as recruitment, selection, training, and motivation of employees ensures availability of required number of people with appropriate skills at all levels in the organizations and thereby it help to reduce uncertainty. Short term human resource planning is associated with very little uncertainty about which skills and how many people will be needed. For which it is relatively easy to predict supply. However, due to rapid, turbulent and ongoing changes in todays business environment, it is difficult to anticipate future by simply projecting past trends. When the focus of planning shifts from short term to intermediate term, what is the requirement of an organisation becomes dominant problem so also the uncertainty related to the question of availability. As a result of which more technical attention is required to be given to the problem of forecasting. To minimise the uncertainty in intermediate term human resource planning, interaction between the human resource planner and line managers is even more critical for making accurate demand and supply forecasts. PURPOSE, NEED AND OBJECTIVE OF HRP Purposes of HRP   The primary function of Personnel planning is to analyze and evaluate the available human resources within the organization. It also determines how to obtain the kinds of needed personnel to staff various organisational positions starting from assembly line workers to chief executives.   Smaller companies have assigned the function of HR planning to the human resource department or personnel department. Larger corporations have separate departments for this function.  Personnel planning aims at minimisation of waste in employing people, lessen uncertainty of current personnel levels and future needs, and eliminate mistakes in staffing pattern.   The purpose of Human Resource Planning aims at maintaining the required level of skill by avoiding workforce skill shortages, stopping the profit-eroding effects of being overstaffed or understaffed, preparing succession plans and shaping the optimum future work force composition by hiring the right skill in appropriate numbers. Need of HRP Manpower Planning is basically a two-phased process. It analyses the current human resources, makes manpower forecasts and thereby draw employment programmes. Manpower Planning serves organisational purpose in many ways. It ensures optimum use of manpower and capitalizes on the strength of organisations Human Resources. Talent reservoir of an organisation is maintained at any point of time. The assigned tasks can be carried out easily if people skills are readily available. All these things can be possible with the help of effective HR Planning that provide information beforehand. To forecast future requirements and provides control measures: Although planning is considered as the essential process of management, HRP becomes especially critical when organizations go for mergers, relocation of plants, downsizing, right sizing or at time of closing of operating facilities. For example, expansion of scale of operations of any business requires advance planning that can ensure a continuous supply of people with appropriate skill set who can handle the challenges of the jobs easily. To face the challenges: Human resource planning helps the business to encounter the challenges that occur due to turbulent and hostile environmental forces like technology, social, economic and political factors. To adopt with technological changes: The change in technology in production, marketing methods and management techniques have been very extensive and rapid. It has profound effect both on job contents and job contexts. These changes may cause problems relating to redundancies, demand for retraining and redeployment, In order to cope with these changes, organisations need systematic manpower planning. To face Organizational Changes: The nature and pace of changes in organizational environment marked by cyclical fluctuations and discontinuities and the changes in activities and structures affect manpower positions of the organisation and require strategic considerations which necessitate perfect HR Planning. To determine recruitment/induction levels: A readily available HR plan can provide fairly good ideas about the kind of people are recruited and at what position. This will help in determining the kind of induction the organization require and thus can help to plan induction level successfully. To determine training level: Human Resource Planning helps in determining training levels in an organisation and lays foundation for management development programmes. To know the cost of manpower: In cases of expansions or opening up a new factory or if there is a new project organisation would require more number of human resources of different skill set. In those cases, Human Resource Planning helps in estimating the manpower cost. Hence a proper budgetary allocation can be made well in advance for this type of upcoming corporate strategic move. To assist in productivity bargaining: In case of automation, Human Resource Planning Data helps in negotiating for lesser workers as required for the same amount of the job. The organisation can offer higher incentives to smoothen the process of VRS, voluntary layoffs and so on. To assess physical facilities: Physical facilities such as accommodation ,canteen, school, medical help, etc. can also be planned well in advance, because a good HRP can assist in solving many problems of the firm, from day to day ones to very strategic ones. Moreover, Human Resource Planning helps in maintaining the stability of a concern preventing it to incur several intangible costs due to inadequate, improper or lack of HRP. For example, inadequate HRP may cause unfilled vacancies and the resulting loss in efficiency cost a lot to the organisation, particularly when the lead-time is required to train replacements. There are also situations in which employees are laid off in one department on the other hand applicants are hired for similar jobs in another department due to absence of proper HRP. There may be situation of over hiring resulting in the need to lay off effective employees. These are the variety of factors which necessitate Human Resource Planning in an organisation for optimum utilisation of Human Resources. Objectives of HRP The objective of human resource planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. Human resource planning is a sub-system of the total organizational planning. It constitutes an integral part of corporate plan and serves the very purpose of organization in many ways. The primary purpose of human resource planning is to prepare for the future by reducing organizational uncertainty in relation to the acquisition, placement, and development of employees .Human resources planning is done to achieve the optimum use of human resources and to have the right types and correct number of employees to meet organizational goals. Objectives of Human Resource Planning are: Achieve Goal: Human Resource Planning helps in achieving individual, Organizational National goals. Since Human resource planning is linked with career planning, it can able to achieve individual goal while achieving organisational and national goal. Estimates future organizational structure and Manpower Requirements: Human Resource Planning is related with number of Personnel required for the future, job-family, age distribution of employees, qualification desired experience, salary range etc and thereby determines future organisation structure. Human Resource Audit: Human resource planning process is comprised of estimating the future needs and determining the present supply of Manpower Resources. Manpower supply analysis is done through skills inventory. This helps in preventing overstaffing as well as understaffing. Job Analysis: The process of studying and collecting information relating to operations and responsibilities of a specific job is called Job analysis. Job analysis is comprised of job description and job specification. Job description describes the duties and responsibilities of a particular job in an organized factual way. Job specification specifies minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a particular job properly. Other objectives of HRP are as follows: To link human resource planning with organizational planning. To ensure optimum, planned use of currently employees. To forecast future skill requirements. To provide control measures in order to ensure that necessary resources are made available as and when required. To anticipate redundancies and avoid unnecessary dismissals. To provide a basis for management development programmes. To deploy the manpower in upcoming new projects. To enable the organization to identify trouble spots. To study the cost of overheads. To decide whether certain activities need to be subcontracted. To achieve more effective and efficient use of human resources. To better recruit employees having the necessary skills and competences. To determine optimum training levels. To obtain fairly satisfied and developed workforce. To facilitate the roll-out of strategic plans and missions. To achieve more effective and equal opportunity planning. To relieve the organization of unnecessary and unneeded labour. Human resources planning are human resource administration, quite similar to that of financial planning. But unlike financial planning, there are very few organizations that engage in any form of explicit human resource planning. However, if properly used, human resources planning can increase the prospects of an organizations management and of its resources by better coping with dynamic situations. Human resource planning aims at maintaining and improving the organizations ability to attain the goals by developing strategies, purporting to magnify the contribution of human resources. Objectives of HR planning are to ensure availability of the HR needs of the organization at specified times in the future. It is a systematic approach to help the organization to reach at its business objectives. TRENDS AND BEHAVIOURAL FACTORS ON HRP Trends That Impact HRP   A Personnel planner seeking to study the trends in Human Resource planning should include the following variables:   The state of the economy of the organisation: The spectrum of economic activity of the organisation which largely depends upon the companys sphere of operations is a crucial factor that is to be considered while doing HRP.     Demographics: The present and future age and sex composition, literacy level of the population of the organisation affect HRP.   Employee losses or turnover: The retirements, deaths, promotions and resignation affect the current number of individuals employed at every level.   New skill requirements:  Obsolescence of current skills and its effects along with what new skills will be needed due to new technology markets or products affect HRP.   The availability of materials: The status of the availability of material and direction of materials prices is also considered while doing HRP.    Technological changes: Rate of change of technology along with technology adoption by the organisation affects manpower planning.   Social changes: Effect of up gradation of educational backgrounds of the people in a given society and the willingness of people to take lower level jobs affect manpower planning.   Labour costs: The direction in which the labour cost move is given due consideration while doing human resource planning. Behavioural Factors on HRP Behaviour can be defined as the observable and measurable activity of human beings. Activity of human beings under this category shows a great variety. It may include anything like decision making, a mental processor, handling a machine, a physical process. Behavioural factors of HRP include: 1. Understanding Human Behaviour 2. Controlling and directing Behaviour 3. Organisation Adaptation 1. Understanding Human Behaviour: Understanding human behaviour in the organisation encompasses the following elements. (i) Individual Behaviour: It is known as first behaviour of people and provides means for analyzing why and how an Individual behaves in a particular way. (ii) Interpersonal Behaviour: It provides means for understanding the interpersonal relationship in the organization. Analysis of reciprocal relationship, role analysis, transactional analysis falls under the umbrella of interpersonal behaviour. (iii) Group Behaviour: Group behaviour comprises of group norms, cohesion, goals, procedures, communication, and leadership. (iv) Intergroup relationship: Intergroup relationships are in the form of intergroup cooperation and intergroup co-ordination. 2. Controlling and directing behaviour: these are the different factors that need to be taken care of in while controlling and directing people behaviour at workplaces. (i) Organisational Climate: it refers to total organizational situations affecting human behaviour i.e how people of an organisation interact with each other at workplace. (ii) Communication:-free flow of both way communications is inevitable in order to control and direct human behaviour because, it is through communication people come in contact with each others. (iii) Leadership: leadership style is also very much crucial and plays vital role in order to control and direct peoples behaviour at workplace. (iv) Employee empowerment: It refers to the degree of autonomy provided to people of an organisation so that they can take certain decision on their own without waiting for the supervisor to direct and may be utilized in many ways. 3. Organisation Adaptation: Organisations have to adapt themselves to the environment changes by making suitable internal arrangements like Management of Change. INFORMATION FOR HRP Information that forms the basis of Human Resource Planning include statistics of past years data on all aspect of Human Resource programmes. It includes turnover data, recruitment costs, staff numbers both actual and forecasted, budgetary information, safety statistics, and performance appraisal statistics and so on and so forth. Basically, information is gathered taking into consideration of any objective for the year. For example, if organisations seek to reduce turnover, which thereby reduces recruitment and selection costs, need to focus man power plan on retention strategies. To strategise the retention strategies the organisation may go for benchmarking from other successful companies, may seek industry information, take the help of Human Resources Institutes and so on and so forth. After getting information and ways and me

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Education Essays

Plagiarism and the Internet My first memory of plagiarism is from grade school. I can remember having to do book reports. The teacher would always say, "write this report using your own words, do not just copy out of the book". So what did we do, we used a combination of both. In grade school we didn’t realize the seriousness of plagiarism. For the most part we didn’t even really understand what the word meant. It was something the teacher talked about when she assigned essays or book reports. Webster’s dictionary defines plagiarism as this, "to take and use as one’s own the ideas or writings of another." I would suspect plagiarism is as old as the written language. Inevitably, as soon as someone committed their thoughts to paper, someone else read it and used the words to express themselves without giving credit. Plagiarism goes on in all aspects of our society. It does not discriminate. Plagiarism is an issue in our schools, on our college campuses, and in our media. It weaves its thread through our entire culture. The news media and book publishers are all too aware of the nasty concept of plagiarism. Just recently the author J. K. Rowlings of the popular Harry Potter series came under heavy fire. She was accused of stealing another female author’s ideas. It seems in the early 80’s this author published books about the character Larry Potter. Her character names were the same as those in the J. K. Rowling’s series. The differences between the characters in the two series were what the characters actually were. Nimbus is a name used in both series. Nimbus in the Harry Potter series is a broom, however in the other author’s series Nimbus was an actual being. So, there in lies the crux of the matter. Almost every article I read, mentioned the importance of intent. Did the writers style of writing lead him in the direction to naturally produce the work or did the writer intentionally pass off someone else’s work as their own. In the above mentioned case, J. K. Rowlings stated Harry came to her fully formed. She did not willing use the other authors ideas. In the news media pointing the finger of plagiarism at a journalist can set off an event similar to the Salem Witch trials. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in the news media. After all, credibility is at stake, not to mention ratings as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cider House Rules Essay -- essays research papers

The Cider House Rules" is a movie based on John Irving's best selling book. It is a very wonderful, touching, and real 1943 ¡Ã‚ ¦s life story. The story centered on an orphanage child named Homer and a sick doctor, Dr Larch who will have an emotional bond with Homer. I watched the movie before, and my first impression on this movie, I think it is a very good, and relax movie, where you can watch it with your family, although some of the scene may be offended for children. The Cider House Rules, begins in the 1920s in St. Cloud's orphanage in Maine where Homer Wells is born and spends most of his teenage years. Three times he is adopted by good families, but later returned to the orphanage. Dr. Larch, who is in charge there, would just as well have him stay, for he later becomes a good assistant to the doctor in performing abortions and delivering babies. Wally Worthington, whose wealthy parents are in the apple and cider business gets to know Homer when Wally, takes his girlfriend Candy to the St. Cloud's orphanage for an abortion. These three become close friends and Homer accompanies them back to their hometown where he spends the next six months. It's a new life for Homer, and he realizes that his years at the orphanage are just the past and it is time for him to move on. Wally, who became a captain in the Air Force during WW II, crashes his bomber in Burma, and his both of his legs are paralyzed. Candy, who is not good of being left alone, had an affair with Homer, fe...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ethics Bank Bailout

This paper explores the ethics of bank executives receiving large bonuses despite the fact that they received a bailout. I identify the utilitarian and deontological implications of these executives’ actions. This paper also examines if the executives deserved the bonuses, did the banks need a bonus, and how the banks should have been regulated by the banks.Keywords: bailout, utilitarian, deontologyEthics of Bank Bailout BonusesCurrently the economy is still in â€Å"The Great Recession† largely due to the fallout caused by banks. Banks caused this fallout by giving out home loans to unqualified borrowers.  The banks approved loans they know could not be repaid by the borrower because of the terms such as adjustable rates.These home loans started defaulting; which started a domino effect of bank failures, further driving the economy into a downward spiral. In came the government, armed with astronomical sums of money determined to rescue these large financial institut ions. Enrich, Hilsenrath, and Solomon (2009) state that 700 billion dollars of taxpayer money was used to bailout these banks under the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).It wasn’t long after these bailouts that these banks continued to reward the executives with large bonuses. Should have these top executives of these major banks that received the bailout money been allowed to receive large bonuses? I say definitely not because it was wrong under the provisions of utilitarian ethics which I believe should have been applied in this situation. These executives were at the helm when these banks failed. Bonuses should be rewards for success not compensation for a title or position. If these banks had enough money to give bonuses then the question of do they really need a bailout should be asked.Furthermore, this bailout money did not belong to the banks to give out as they pleased, it belonged to the taxpayers and the money should have been accompanied by stringent regulation s imposed by the government. A bonus is normally given as a reward for production or as an enticement for favored behavior or performance. On Wall Street a bonus is an equivocal right with no strings attached. Success or failure does not matter. Being an executive in the country’s most powerful financial firms is justification enough to entitle them to a bonus. This is the methodology that these institutions follow.Executives used deontological ethics because they focused on their rights and entitlements as executives. They decided their rights to large bonuses outweighed the importance of righting the economy which affected the entire country. Meanwhile, these are the same executives that were in charge when many American’s retirement plans and investments were depleted or completely wiped out. These were the same executives that oversaw an industry that gave out home loans with impossible repayment terms. It can be argued that the banks caused the entire financial wo es that are still present today.Instead of the institutions terminating their executives for not stopping their organization’s misdeeds they were rewarded. These bank executives drove their institutions to the brink of demise. Yet, they were still rewarded with multi-billion dollar bonuses. How could this be justified or ethical? According to Freifeld (2009), Citigroup Inc. , Merrill Lynch & Co. and seven other U. S. banks paid $32. 6 billion in bonuses in 2008 while receiving $175 billion in taxpayer funds through TARP. That means that almost 20% of the government’s bank bail-out to these banks was used on bonuses for their institution’s executives.The question has to be asked, â€Å"Could the bank bailout have been 20% less to these banks? † An even more interesting question would be, â€Å"Did these banks really need the bank bail-out money? † These executives took an ethical egoistic approach by accepting these bonuses. Andre and Velasquez (198 9) explain that three steps to apply utilitarianism to any situation to decide a moral course of action. The first step is to identify all the course of actions that are available in a situation. The second step is to determine all the beneficial and harmful consequences of each course of action for everyone affected by the action.Finally, the third step is to select the course of action that provides the greatest benefits after the costs have been taken into account. Let’s apply this theory to the bank executives and their choice to receive a large bonus. First step would have them identify all their course of actions available to them, which was to take or leave the massive bonus. Secondly, was to determine all the beneficial and harmful consequences for each course of action for everyone affected by taking or refusing the bonus. Those affected by the taking or leaving the bonus include the executive, the financial institution, and the taxpayers.The beneficial consequence o f taking the bonus for the executive is a very large sum of money. The benefit to the financial institution and the taxpayer is none. The harmful consequence to the executive would be obvious, which would be the loss of a tremendous amount of money. The harmful consequences for the financial institution would be loss of capital that could be used somewhere else more productive and the loss of the government’s confidence. The harmful consequence of the executive taking the bonus would be an increased budget deficit which may lead to higher taxes and loss of federal program funding.Finally, weighing the consequences using the utilitarian theory the greatest benefit would be for the executives to refuse the bonus. The right decision for these bank executives would have been to take a utilitarian ethical approach and not accepted their bonuses. These bonuses hurt the government and the people of the United States by costing the bailout more money than necessary and creating a lar ger deficit. Thus, the act of the executives taking their bonuses was morally unethical under the theory of utilitarian ethics because the consequences were more harmful for the greater population.Instead, these executives prioritized their needs and wants higher than the needs and wants of the people. Financial executives were following the ideology of deontology when they made their decision to take their multi-billion dollar bonuses. According to Alexander and Moore (2008) deontology is based from the word â€Å"duty. † I believe that these bank executives felt it was their duty and entitlement to take the bonus. Also deontologists believe in following the rules even though the act may be considered the right thing to do even if it produces bad consequences (Alexander & Moore 2008).They were not breaking the rules or law when they took their bonuses because there were no regulations or rules against them doing so. They followed the rules and it produced the bad effect of c reating a larger than necessary bailout amount. On the other hand however, the government made the bank bailout loan on good faith. Utilitarian ethics were applied in the decision to give out the loan because they feared the banks would ultimately fail without the money. The choice was made out of consequence. The consequence of failing banks would be a country with an even worse economy and completely ruined financial sector.Thus, the government acted and followed utilitarianism’s theory of the greatest good, for the greater amount of people. The government should have not rushed to give the money to the banks without devising stricter regulations. Restrictions were placed on some executive compensation for participating banks, but did not limit salaries and bonuses (Despite Bailout 2008). If the government had placed limitations regulating excessive bonuses this could have been avoided. Executives would have been able to follow either consequential or deontological ethics b y following these limits imposed.Instead the government through legislation did not impose sanctions against bonuses as part of TARP. By failing to do so they left the door open for banks and executives to make ethical choices on their own. I explored the utilitarian and deontology implications of the bank bailout bonuses. I found that the bank executives should not have taken the bonuses after receiving bailout money from the government by using the utilitarian theory because ultimately the consequences were more harmful than good for greater population. I also explained why executives should not have received the bonuses based on their and their institution’s performance.I also questioned whether the bank bailout money was necessary because the banks had enough money to give out large bonuses. Also discussed was the idea of the government imposing stricter sanctions with the TARP legislation forbidding large bonuses. I also stated that the bank executives could have been et hically right under the pretense of deontology. Deontology’s theories revolve around duties, rules, and obligations (Waller B. , 2008). Therefore, the bank executives felt they had the right and duty to an enormous bonus as heads of multi-billion dollar financial institutions. They also followed the rules by accepting the bonuses.