Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Primary Research on an Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Primary Research on an Advertisement - Essay Example Not only was the advertisement hilarious but it also generated positive applause from the millions of football fans, especially in Africa. Clearly, the creators of this advertisement were innovative enough to acknowledge that football can be used to create attractive appeals to consumers through relating it with refreshing moments. While millions of viewers were united by football, the Coca-Cola Company identified this as a perfect opportunity to establish long lasting appeals of its Coke product to the football fans. This paper seeks to analyze the different ways in which Coca-Cola Company presented its intended appeals on football viewers, specifically the youth age group (between 18 and 30 years.) The advertisement is divided into five-screen sections of different settings: the old timer, the worrier, the show off, the admirers, and the die-hards. The advertisement begins with screens of football fans in different locations who are watching football matches. Some of the viewers are refreshing their throats with a Coke soda in the different locations. The next screen focuses on an old man who cannot sit down due to the excitement arousal caused by drinking Coke. Although he has poor vision to follow up the football match, he is keen enough to notice and celebrate a goal. The advertisement then shifts to a football fan who has actively chewed his football gloves due to the anxiety caused by watching a game filled with suspense. A woman appears, and hands him two bottles of Coke, which seem to offer him a sense of relaxation. Another screenshot appears where a girl seems to be celebrating that her team won, only to be informed by a man drinking Coke that the match is at half tim e. The next screen focuses on three chefs in the kitchen who are keenly concentrating on a football match while drinking coke. They seem to have forgotten about their occupational responsibilities; food seems to be burning in the background and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Implementing Immunizations Essay Example for Free

Implementing Immunizations Essay Implementing Immunizations Implementing immunizations into the clinics can be challenging for the facility and the staff. There are several methods that have been implemented to monitor the methods used by the staff to give the immunizations to the patients in the clinics. There have been several obstacles and challenges that the staff and leaders have faced. As with any changes that take place in patient care within an organization methods must be set up to monitor those changes. Changes promote challenges not just to staff leaders but the organization as a whole. Communication with any changes can be challenging for the leadership and staff (Surdu, 2010). Methods to Monitor Change In implementing changes there needs to be methods to monitor those changes. The first method is to monitor the reimbursement value units per visit associated with the immunizations. The need to monitor the increase of visits, the percentage of increase of the reimbursement value units now that the immunizations that are given in in the clinic since they are ordered immunizations ordered directly by the physician and not given on protocol (Surdu, 2010). Another method to monitor the change of implementation is to survey the patients to see how they have responded to immunizations being given directly in the clinic. This can be done in a survey form either via email or sent in the mail so patients can voice their opinion on the changes that have been implemented (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). The leaders in the clinic can sit down with the staff to get their opinion and suggestions on how the changes of giving immunizations in the clinic are affecting their time management with patients. This can be very helpful to  leaders in adjusting the change that have been implemented because no change should never be set in stone. The input of the staff can be crucial when monitoring changes that have been implemented to determine whether they are successful or not (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). The final method used to monitor that immunizations are properly being implemented in the clinic setting are going to be chart audits by the leadership. This will be used to ensure that the proper immunizations are given to the patients and that patient care is not being compromised (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). Of all of the monitoring methods mentioned above the main issue is patient care. The â€Å"Patient Medical Center Home Model† consists of modeling the care around the patient. Ensuring that patient care is at the forefront of the facility, monitoring the changes is one way to ensure that this takes place. The quality control standards of the â€Å"Patient Medical Center Home Model† consist of upper management performing quality control chart checks on a monthly basis. These chart audits are done to ensure that the standards are being met which are determined by the Department of the Army. This is one of the main differences that a military treatment facility is held to as a standard versus a civilian facility. Therefore this can be seen to some as has bureaucratic red tape in some instances, whereas in others it does have its advantages (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). Organizational Relationship The relationship between organizations process systems and professional roles on a staff can be essential to the success of an implemented change. The Department of the Army has specific protocols when implementing changes such as implementing immunizations into the clinic setting. Organizational process systems will provide how changes will be implemented in the facility. In the facility changes come from Western region then trickle down from the Command or another words upper management. The changes are then implemented throughout the clinics in the facility. The responsibility falls on the clinic officer in charge to implement the changes throughout each clinic (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). In a military treatment  facility changes are implemented differently than in the private sector. In the organization upper management solely consists of military personnel while leadership within the clinic is a mixture of military and civilian personnel. The process of changes is not set in stone but guidelines are set forth from Western region. The actual written standard operating procedure for the facility is implemented and brought to the forefront by upper management. Then upper management delegates the implementation down to the clinic officer in charge for actual rollouts into each clinic (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). The roles of the leadership in the clinics are essential to the success or unsuccessful implementation of change. The attitude of the leadership carries weight on how well the rest of the staff receives the change. Leaders on the clinic level have to accept changes whether good or bad and expect staff to challenge them. Leaders have to be strong and accept the change themselves and to support upper management. There are problems dealing with changes when issues arise between created civilian and military personnel. These issues are not easily dealt with and when changes are ensuing within a facility this causes undue stress within the organization. This is one reason that leadership needs to bring forth and implement changes within an organization as all one team because staff is well suited at picking up any rift within the management team (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). Communication Techniques Communication techniques are one of the mainstays in addressing any issues when implementing changes in any organizational plan. There are several ways in an organizational plan change that communication can take place such as talking directly to leadership on the front lines who deal with the change or all the way up the chain dealing with upper management. Without communication problems with the changes that have been implemented will not be resolved and the changes will not be successful (Marshak. Grant, 2011). One communication technique that can be used is that leadership can address staff that seems to have issues with the changes that have been implemented. They can speak to staff on an individual basis using a closed-door setting to try to alleviate any issues that are affecting any of the employees work.  Employees may feel more comfortable speaking with a member of the leadership team on a one-on-one basis to voice their concerns with the change. Sometimes most of the issues dealing with an employee that have issues with changes that have been implemented, the staff member has questions or does not understand why the change has been made. This issue is best addressed in a one on one sit down conversation with the employee in a closed-door situation (Marshak. Grant, 2011). Another communication technique used to address any implementation issues with the changes can be providing specific emails to a particular person. By addressing issues to one particular person within the organization instead of problems associated with the change can be addressed centrally and immediately if necessary. If issues cannot be handled by this one person than the contact person can go to their resources and take care of the issue or issues at hand. Emails are the preferred method of communication unlike phone calls at a military treatment facility. Phone calls should only be used for emergencies, where there is an immediate response that is needed. In other words the majority of the issues dealing with the implementation of the changes that occur can be dealt with through emails. These issues are not needed to be dealt with in an immediate time frame and can be dealt with and a normal work week depending on the issue that have arisen (Marshak. Grant, 2011). Without proper communication, the need to communicate and how the communication is to take place the change implementation may well as not have ever taken place. Communication for a successful organization does need to take place in several forms; this is in the hands of a successful management and leadership (Borkowski, 2005). Conclusion In implementing changes there needs to be several methods to monitor how those changes are affecting the organization on the clinic level and as the organization as a whole. Many times staff along with the patients; both whom are giving input on the change in which the organization is trying to improve care on how the changes are taking place. The organization must be  willing to change its process in its systems whether or how management runs a certain part of their business develops a new process or because of a change implementation downsizes a facility. In order for the change to be successfully implemented communication is essential for this to take place. There are many techniques that organizations can use to accomplish this task. The communication technique will depend on the change implemented and the structure of the organization. Staff leaders whether at the clinic level or upper management are still the main key whether the organizational plan that has been set forth if the changes that have been implemented will be successful. Reference Borkowski, N. (2005). Organizational behavior in health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database Helfrich, C., Blevins, D., Smith, J. (2011, July). Predicting Implementation From Organizational Readiness for Change: A Study Protocol. Implementation Science , 6(76). Marshak., R., Grant, D. (2011, Sep). Creating Change by Changing the Conversation. OD Practitioner, 43(3), 2 7. Marshall, R., Doperak, M., Milner, M. (2011, Nov). Patient-Centered Medical Home: An Emerging Primary Care Model and the Military Health System. Military Medicine, 176(11), 1253 1259. Surdu, G. (2010, Winter). Organizational Change- Different A. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 5(4), 48-54.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Black Music and the Civil Rights Movement Essay -- Black Civil Rights

On July 5, 1954, forty-nine days after the Supreme Court handed down the decision on the Brown vs. Board of Education case, a nineteen year old truck driver recorded an Arthur Crudup blues track called â€Å"That’s All Right Mama† (Bertrand 46). Memphis disc jockey Dewey Phillips found the cut and played it on his radio show a few weeks later. He received calls all over from people, mostly white, who wanted to hear more. He quickly located the musician and brought him into the studio for an interview, audiences were shocked to learn that Elvis was white (Bertrand 46). Elvis’s music brought black music into white mainstream pop culture almost overnight. The breakthrough of Elvis happening almost simultaneously with the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement was no accident. As any scholar of the humanities would tell you that often times after a great war there exists a time of enlightenment, prosperity and reformation. One such cultural revival took place in this nation after the closing of the Second World War. The progressive thought of the ‘50s nurtured new ideas and cultures including the Civil Rights Movement and the fast spread of rock and roll. In an essay entitled â€Å"Color† written to Esquire magazine in 1962 the essayist James Baldwin describes the revival of white culture after WWII with the following passage: The Puritan dicta still inhabit and inhibit the American body and soul. Joy and sin have been synonyms here for many generations that the former can now be defended only on therapeutic, i.e. pragmatic grounds, necessitating a similar metamorphosis for the latter. Now it is suggested that we Live-a little! (Baldwin, Color 673) The â€Å"Puritan dicta† outlined by Baldwin represents the American ideology ... .... Lewis, John with D’Orso, Micheal. Walking With the Wind. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998. McKeen, William. William 2004. 9 April 2004 McMicheal, Robert K. â€Å"†We Insist Freedom Now!†: Black Moral Authority and the Changing Shape of Whiteness.† American Music 16.4 (winter, 1998): 375-416. Shank, Barry. â€Å"†That Wild Mercury Sound:† Bob Dylan and the Illusion of American Culture.† Boundary 2 29.1 (2002): 97-123. Yamaski, Mitch. â€Å"Using Rock ‘N’ Roll to Teach the History of Post World War II America.† The History Teacher 29.2 (Feb., 1996): 179-193.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Memory and Process Manager Functionality Introduction to Operating Systems †Pos/355 Essay

The Operating System Every computer, tablet, and/or smartphone has an operating system. The operating system is â€Å"software that communicates with the hardware and allows other programs to run. It is comprised of system software, or the fundamental files your computer needs to boot and function†. (â€Å"†, 2013). Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are some of the more common operating systems. Operating systems provide a graphical user interface, which provides the computer with the ability install and run programs specifically written for the operating systems, as well as the power to manage folders and files. When applications are created, they are generally written for a specific operating system, although many of the more popular programs were developed crossplatform, meaning they were developed for multiple operating systems. The user needs to be aware of what programs they want when selecting a computer to be sure the operating system will support them. Memory Management See more: how to start an essay When an operating system manages the computer’s memory, there are two broad tasks to be accomplished. The processes need to be able to execute without overlapping into the memory space of another process, nor can it be run into by another process. Also, the memory in the system must be properly allocated to that all processes are running at their most efficient and effective. (â€Å"†, 2013). In order not to overlap, the operating system needs to set up limits for the software and individual applications. Random access memory (RAM) and memory caches are the main storage area for a computer and this is where data is read and written. RAM is a physical storage compartment found on the hard disk. Once the computer runs out of physical memory, it will start using virtual memory. (â€Å"†, 2013). As applications are ready to be loaded into memory, the operating system determines fixed block sizes in order to ensure the applications do not encroach on each other’s space. At any given time, the majority of RAM in your computer system is not being utilized, as a processor can only access one location at a time. This is where virtual memory management comes into play. Information is moved from RAM to hard disk to expand the RAM space. The operating system manages several different memory types including disk storage, high-speed cache, main memory, and secondary memory. Disk storage is the slowest; the fastest is high speed cache. In order to speed up system performance, cache controllers forecast which portions of data the CPU will use next and move it from main memory and into the cache. RAM is the main memory. Secondary memory generally serves at your virtual RAM is generally a sort of rotating magnetic storage under the control of the operating system. The operating system performs a balancing act based on the needs of the processes with the memory availability across the different types. (â€Å"†, 2013). Processor Management â€Å"A processor, or ‘microprocessor,’ is a small chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices. Its basic job is to receive input and provide the appropriate output. While this may seem like a simple task, modern processors can handle trillions of calculations per second.† (â€Å"†, 2013).Managing the processor is all about two related issues – ensuring that each process and application receives enough of the processor’s time to function properly and using as many processor cycles as possible for real work. The processor’s basic unit is either a process or a thread; this is dependent on the operating system utilizing it. † A process, then, is software that performs some action and can be controlled — by a user, by other applications or by the operating system.† (â€Å"†, 2013).The operating systems controls the processes and schedules them for execution by the CPU. The process can be an application that you are very well aware of, such a game, or they can be a process that works in the background that you aren’t even aware of such as disk management. The operating system manages the processes to run most efficiently. It may allow an application to start, then suspend it to deal with user input and interrupts. The CPU can only execute one task at a time, so the operation system needs to make the user believe there are several tasks being accomplished at the same time. You can have a multi-processor machine, but the processor is still only able of handling one task at a time. The operating system maintains this appearance by switching between processes thousands of times in a second. The operating system will make use of the registers, stacks and queues in order to buffer the next process by allotting CPU execution cycles to a program, then copying the registers, stacks and queues used by the processors, and pause it’s execution. It loads the second process’s data and copies the registers, stacks and queues and allows it a certain number of cycles. Once complete, it loads the first program. The operating system is responsible for the management of the computer system – files, devices, memory, and processors. In doing this it manages it’s various memory types and processes for efficiency. References (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Love Is Never Silent Movie Summary

In the 1985 movie â€Å"Love is Never Silent† it is set during the great depression and follows the Ryder family, Abel and Janice two deaf parents of two hearing children Margaret and Bradley. Abel works for a newspaper company on the printing press, Janice is a seamstress. The parents rely on the oldest child Margaret as their link to the hearing world by being their voice. In the beginning tragedy hits the family as the Ryder’s youngest child Bradley falls from their second story apartment and dies. Now that Margaret is the only hearing child she feels obligated to always be available for her parents when they need her.When she goes with her parents to a Mortuary she has to help them purchase a wood box instead of a coffin for her brother because that’s all they can afford. Anytime Margaret’s parents come into conflict with the hearing world they have Margaret taken out of school or later work to interpret for them. The only friend Margaret has and the o nly person to know that her parents are deaf and elderly store owner named Mr. Patrakis, who usually gives whatever her family needs for free. In the middle Margaret graduates from high school and this is where her classmates, their parents and staff find out that her parents are deaf.Mr. Patrakis gives Margaret radio as a graduation gift, she is so excited that she brings it home, plugs it in and her dad seems to be interested and Margaret and her dad start to dance until her mom unplugs it to cook signing that the radio doesn’t belong. Margaret gets a job as a secretary and is still the only link between the deaf and hearing world for her parents. She has so social life and when a handsome man named William shows interest in her she makes excuses not to go out with him. William is persistent though and Margaret eventually gives in and they go on their first date.Margaret keeps the fact of her parents being deaf from William until he purposes to her and William tells her tha t he doesn’t care that her parents are deaf and that he’d love to meet them. In the end Margaret and William elope and this upsets her parents because they don’t want to lose her not only because she’s their only child but also because she’s their link to the hearing world. William joins the military and while he’s gone Margaret invites William’s mother Mrs. Anglin and brother Marshall to her parents’ house for dinner, which doesn’t go well because Mr. and Mrs.Ryder refuse to sign in an even more awkward silence. William comes back injured but not crippled and they live with her parents until he’s accepted into college. Margaret’s parents are sad to see her go but as soon as they can they go see her and it was unannounced. Margaret’s parents are very upset to see the place where she’s living and go to sign how upset they are that William hasn’t provided better for their daughter. Her pa rents never visit her again. The next time Margaret sees her parents is when she’s very pregnant to let them know that they’ll be grandparents.Lastly William and Margaret move into better housing where they will raise their child till William graduates from college. Margaret and William invite everyone to their baby shower after the birth of their son and her parents show up after everyone has gone. Margaret is upstairs with her son and William answers the door and her parents surprise her. When they see each other all the turmoil between them is gone and they enjoy each other’s company. The movie ends with Janice’s retirement party where Abel, Margaret, William and their son go and Janice’s signs a speech that Margaret interprets.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on John Hancock

John Hancock John Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. He did so with such a flourish that his name became a synonym for the word â€Å"signature† (United states-on-line). John was born into a middle class family. When he was eight he practiced how to write his signature. He used his family’s fortune for his fame. John didn’t hesitate when he was asked to join the Sons of Liberty. Hancock was also accused of wine smuggling (The Founding Fathers Series). After graduating from Harvard in 1754, he joined his uncle’s firm, and ten years later he took over it’s management, becoming the wealthiest merchant in New England. He united with the protest against the Stamp Act along with the other British dictatorial measures. Hancock gained the esteem of the Massachusetts patriots (United States-on-line). Due to the Sugar Act of 1764 the commissioners sought to trap him into a technical insubordination. Hancock with stood his ground, and the charges were soon dropped. Customs agents seized his ship called the Liberty in 1768, popular sympathy led to public demonstrations in his behalf; John Adams defended him and the charges were finally dropped. John Hancock emerged as a leading figure in the revolutionary movement. In 1774 Hancock was elected president of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress (United States-on-line). The following year he became the leader of the Boston patriot committee and an ally of Adams. British officials brought attention to John Adams and John Hancock in 1775 because of inflammatory oratory. Warned by Paul Revere, they fled Lexington just as the battles of Lexington and Concord opened the Revolutionary War (The Founding Fathers Series). John Hancock was elected to the Second Continental Congress, John signed the Declaration of Independence and afterwards he was elected president of Congress. He resigned in 1777 in dissatisfaction over the failure of Congress to mak... Free Essays on John Hancock Free Essays on John Hancock John Hancock John Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. He did so with such a flourish that his name became a synonym for the word â€Å"signature† (United states-on-line). John was born into a middle class family. When he was eight he practiced how to write his signature. He used his family’s fortune for his fame. John didn’t hesitate when he was asked to join the Sons of Liberty. Hancock was also accused of wine smuggling (The Founding Fathers Series). After graduating from Harvard in 1754, he joined his uncle’s firm, and ten years later he took over it’s management, becoming the wealthiest merchant in New England. He united with the protest against the Stamp Act along with the other British dictatorial measures. Hancock gained the esteem of the Massachusetts patriots (United States-on-line). Due to the Sugar Act of 1764 the commissioners sought to trap him into a technical insubordination. Hancock with stood his ground, and the charges were soon dropped. Customs agents seized his ship called the Liberty in 1768, popular sympathy led to public demonstrations in his behalf; John Adams defended him and the charges were finally dropped. John Hancock emerged as a leading figure in the revolutionary movement. In 1774 Hancock was elected president of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress (United States-on-line). The following year he became the leader of the Boston patriot committee and an ally of Adams. British officials brought attention to John Adams and John Hancock in 1775 because of inflammatory oratory. Warned by Paul Revere, they fled Lexington just as the battles of Lexington and Concord opened the Revolutionary War (The Founding Fathers Series). John Hancock was elected to the Second Continental Congress, John signed the Declaration of Independence and afterwards he was elected president of Congress. He resigned in 1777 in dissatisfaction over the failure of Congress to mak... Free Essays on John Hancock The person I have chosen to write my paper on is John Hancock. I choose him because of the showy form in which it is inscribed on the Declaration of Independence â€Å"John Hancock† has been incorporated in to the English language as a synonym for â€Å"signature†. John Hancock is most famous for his bold signature, but he had more than just a pretty signature he was a man who knew hot to get things done. Born on January 12, 1737 in Braintree (now part of Quincy), Massachusetts. He was the middle of 3 kids; he had an older sister and a younger brother. His father was a reverend, until he died when John was 7. So then his mother sent him to his wealthy and childless uncle and aunt, Thomas and Lynda. The adopted him and at the age of nine John entered the Boston Latin School also called South Grammar School. He spent four more years in Boston Latin School, and went into Harvard College (now Harvard University). He graduated from Harvard College at the age of 17. After he graduated from Harvard College he entered his uncle’s lucrative mercantile business. Upon the death of his uncle in 1764, he inherited Boston’s leading mercantile firm, which was reported to be the greatest fortune ever amassed in New England. He was twenty-seven years old. He became one of the richest men in the colonies. At the age of 38, he married Dolly Quincy. They had 2 children, but hey both died very young. His daughter only lived a few months, and his son got killed when he was ice-skating at the age of nine. He was elected to he Boston Assembly in 1766, and was a member of the Stamp Act Congress. Soon afterward, Hancock abetted the Boston Tea Party. The following year he delivered a public address to a large crown in Boston, commemoration the Boston Massacre. Delegate to, and President of, the Provincial congress of Massachusetts in 1773; Elected to Continental Congress in 1774; Elected President of the Continental Congress from May, 1775 t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan

Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan In a more instinctive manner, there is need to redefine Afghanistan’s security, economy and identity in order to minimize the increasing rate of poverty, tension and insecurity in the country (Kinsman, 2006). According to neoliberal theorists, Afghanistan has lost its ability to pursue self-interests in the international realm.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidence derived from comprehensive analysis indicates that lack of human security; poor narcotic economy and identity crises have affected the rate of development in all sectors of the economy. Underdevelopment in the country has been manifested through low gross domestic production, literacy level, low life expectancy, frequent attacks and identity tension. This implies that firm steps must be taken to eradicate insecurity, violation of human rights and economic decline. By so doing, this guarantees increase in national security, economic growth and identity achievement (Kinsman, 2006). Furthermore, protection of human rights will help to overcome identity conflicts. Recently, economic relation theorists have raised concern on the state of economy, security and national identity in Afghanistan (Manley, 2007). Moreover, the theories have constantly insisted on the essence of national security, economic development and identity in response against international pressures. It is on this ground that this paper attempts to address and recommend how the economy, security and identity in Afghanistan can be eradicated. Theoretical approach From a theoretical perspective, it is evident that Afghanistan has lost its capacity to govern its self-interests in the international sphere (Kinsman, 2006). From a liberalist perspective, every country needs to have a central role to play in the international cooperation. Failure to this, the theorists perceive the state to have los t its power to the core states (Manley, 2007). Due to problems related to security, identity and economy, Afghanistan is unable to govern its national interest and thus can not offer a direction of its policies without external influence. To some extent, it has become a threat to international security due to Al-Qaida terrorist groups (Manley, 2007. However, these problems have been discussed in details below. Security It is apparent that security in Afghanistan has posed a great threat to the economy and identity of the citizens in particular (Ghaznizada, 2010). Evidence has been derived from the fact that the US army has been doubled to ensure security in the country as at 2009. For a long time, the US army has focused its effort in the country in order to eradicate the remnants of the warring groups (Manley, 2007. Frequent wars have left the country unstable for development and as well threatening the international community.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Numerous steps have been made in the effort to increase security. Such include establishment of a transitional government and consultative forums through which a new constitution have been formed (Kinsman, 2006). According to the liberalists, the survival of the country will only be determined by the present state. An objective has been set on how to defeat armed insurgent and terrorist groups in Afghanistan. It is imperative to note that though efforts have been made to enhance national security, such agenda has been left in the hand of coalition allies and NATO forces (Kinsman, 2006). Nonetheless, security enhancement in Afghanistan requires comprehensive strategies in order to achieve better results. From the perceived evidence external force from NATO and USA might not make a predominant change toward the current state unless the critical demands of the warring Taliban are met ( Ghaznizada, 2010). Liberalist confirms that there can be no improvement in the security sector unless efforts are made to develop the economy and suitable political wing. In this case, it is perceived that such sectors are likely to evoke violence whenever there is any form of imbalance. Nevertheless, there rose a huge controversy over who is responsible for enhancing security in Afghanistan. According to liberal theories, the state should take a legitimate position in ensuring the security of the population. However, critics have given their views upon US, UN and NATO role in enhancing security in Afghanistan. Liberalists are against the idea through which the US army uses force to ensure security and protection of human rights in Afghanistan (Ghaznizada, 2010). To them, they perceive this as imperialism of the highest degree. In this case, they argue that great powers tend to assert their power over younger nations and thus they deprive them their self interests. According to this theory, a country should be set free since it understands its indigenous problems better and freedom from the contemporary challenges lies on the hands of the nationals. For this reason, issue of security in Afghanistan has been of great concern in the international relation realm. Recommendations have been made permitting the government to delegate some of its responsibilities to international agencies and external military forces. Additionally, commercial and non-government, organizations, should reinforce the government in bearing the ultimate responsibilities (Ghaznizada, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Notably, we can not ignore the fact that though liberalists insist that the indigenous government should assume the role of fostering security, there are some constraints. For instance, Afghanistan government has been prone to shortage of resources, poor political ideologies and historical needs. In this case, there is a huge dilemma on how security can be enhanced through such a fragile political base. Therefore, external efforts from the US army, UN and NATO have made a tremendous mark in reinforcing the government to combat insecurity in Afghanistan (Kinsman, 2006). From a status review, it is evident that the US troops has unlimitedly donated resources in order to reconstruct the country irrespective of several limitations face. In this case, liberalists do not dismiss the role played by the ally groups. Furthermore, they confirm that there is need for there to be an international consensus in order to foster unilateral actions of rebuilding the country’s security. As mentioned earlier, it is therefore advisable to employ combined efforts where the indigenous government and the international organizations such as NATO, UN and US army will work together to enhance security in Afghanistan (Kinsman, 2006). In line with this, there are several recommendations in which this security as a major objective can be achieved in order to enhance ultimate success in Afghanistan. One of the recommendation involve establishment of provincial reconstruction teams (Manley, 2007. These teams are essential in ensuring that security reforms are followed strictly. Such reforms include disarmament and demobilization policies. In line with this, such teams strengthen the government’s ability to administer at the provincial and district levels. Another recommendation is use if international military to intervene and fight against terrorism. By so doing, this will help to establish both domestic and national security (Kinsman, 2006). In addition to this it is recommended that programs of demilitarization, reintegration and demobilizations should be formulated. Moreover, the programs should be well designed in order to reduce heavy armaments and acceleration of training activities for the terrorist groups. Such programs also help to devise alternative means of training and employing middle-level forces.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More That not withstanding, it is also recommended that the country’s national army should be adequately trained (Radek, 2004). This makes them to become more equipped to fight and combat terrorist groups. This also enhances their warlord power over the existing militia terrorists. The government should also give them incentives in order to foster cooperation. In the long run, it will be possible to achieve national integration and security. Other than international organizations, there are other tools that can be used to ensure ultimate security in Afghanistan. For instance, the nons of such tactics include providing alternative means in which farmers would generate viable money, provide incentives and enhancing economic security (Anon, 2009). Moreover, the government should also castigate opium growers and as well the distillers in order to eradicate risks associated with nominal illegality. Establishment of security institutions would also make it hard for traffickers to smuggl e the drug. According to liberalists, the government should make the demands of the people to be superior and thus such illegal activities are justifiable since they are means of attaining basic amenities. In this case, there should be economic incentives that need to motivate people to abandon the illicit activities (Anon, 2009). For instance, diversification of food crop might not be effective unless the government provide the people with infrastructural facilities. The international organizations have played a large part in fostering economic security in Afghanistan in the past 6 years. International relation has established counternarcotics operations in Afghanistan. For instance, the USD agencies have declared a Jihad for the poppy production through sentiments such as drug control strategies. Instead, the US agency has tried to encourage licit agriculture and this has made poppy production to drop by 37% as at 2007 (Anon, 2009). However, I recommend that non-governmental organ izations to be used as tools that will reinforce the government in encouraging licit farming. Notably, efforts have been made to finance licit agriculture such as availing affordable farm equipments, quality seeds and fertilizers (Anon, 2009). Moreover, other international agencies such as the NATO have encouraged small scale businesses by providing financial aids in terms of loans. This has facilitated toward the growth of agro-processing and crop exports. Foreign aid and engagement from external agencies have emerged crucial for rebuilding Afghanistan’s economy (Kinsman, 2006). Due to the fact that the country still remains poor, liberalists confirms that there should be an increased role in which the indigenous government takes to promote economic growth (Kinsman, 2006). Therefore, it is recommended that for there to be economic progress the government of Afghanistan should be autonomous of eternal influence to determine the fate of its people. Nevertheless, this can be ve ry tricky since the government has been unable to eradicate the peace spoilers in favor of illicit activities. For this reason, no matter how much we try, it is impossible to do away with external organizations such as UN, US and NATO agencies (Anon., 2008). In this case, it is upon the government and international community to come together to foster comprehensive economic growth in the nation. Identity: The issue of identity has been debated upon in the international relations arena. In this case, international relation has devised tools and recommendations concerning identity as a political problem. In the context of Afghanistan, there exist two components of identity namely ethnic and religious identity. According to liberalists’ view, identity crises are inevitable particularly when a country is at its initial stages of political, social and economic evolutions. It is on this ground that the international relations aim to persuade Afghans to embrace religious beliefs tha t are not tied to violent extremist organizations. It is apparent that in Afghanistan there are several religions such as Islam and Christianity. However, Islam has the majority of the population. Ethnic identity guards the people toward their historical and social groups (Phillips, 2011). In this case, different ethnic groups have different values and relations. From the period of independence, Afghanistan has faced identity crisis even though there are no clear boundaries distinguishing each group. However, different identities in line with ethnicity have been used as a political tool thus creating tension. However, there have been factors that have influenced people’s identity. For instance the central government has played a major role in influencing people’s identity in a way through education and the media (Radek, 2004). The main goal of the government was to establish a common social identity referred to as the Pashtuns. The issue of identity has given rise to m any challenges since there are people who decline to associate themselves to a particular identity. Due to identity tension, some people have denied their own identity and other have opted to keep it a secret for fear of confrontations. Differing upon a common identity has made the country to lack a national familiarity and thus it become complicated to define Afghanistan in the international arena (Phillips, 2011). It is imperative to mention that by paying much attention on the traditional social groups people have been resented and thus decline to associate themselves to a particular social group. Therefore, due to resentment these groups waste time in acrimonious activities rather that taking time to develop an identity. For instance, there had been a Jihad war among the communist coup during the evolution of national identity (Radek, 2004). This war caused division among social groups each undertaking its own national duty on its own volition. However, the international relatio n agencies have tried to persuade the Afghans to embrace ethnic and religious beliefs that are not tied to violent extremist organizations. To achieve this goal several recommendations can be used to ensure success. For instance the international community, Afghanistan’s government and non-governmental organizations should encourage education for all (Kinsman, 2006). Through a unified education system it becomes easier to integrate individuals of different identities to interact and thus accept individual differences without tension. In the long run, education will help to weaken ethnic divisions (Narayanan, 2010). Moreover, it is recommended that international relation should try to persuade the Afghan’s government to increase large number of ethnic groups being represented in the central government (Manley, 2007. According to liberal theory, separate social groups have various demands to make depending on the national needs. Therefore it is not enough to let few ethn ic groups such as Pashtuns and Tarjik to represent other groups (Radek, 2004). In this case, to achieve an identity, there is need for a larger representation by strongly-developed ethnic and religious groups in the government. In a shift of focus, the only tool that is suitable in solving identity problem is the Afghan government. This is due to the fact that it is only the government that understands the indigenous difficulties concerning identity. Conclusion Imperatively, liberal theory is the best theories when addressing and giving recommendations to be followed to achieve success in terms of security, economy and identity issues in Afghanistan (Manley, 2007. The theorists conclude that security in Afghanistan has gone past the call for auxiliary international forces to in the country. However, It should not be enforces by increased armed force against the nationals but through a genuine reconciliation at the national level. This will help in addressing the grievances and deman ds of the Afghans. On the other hand, regardless of the wavering hope on the economy collective efforts can help to achieve sustainable growth of licit economy as opposed to the vast growing lethal economy. Concerning the issue of identity, Afghans need to identify themselves with non-extremist identity. By so doing, the country will be able to bear the external critics in the international arena. In a nut shell, problems of security, economy and identity can only be addresses through integrated approaches. Therefore, a combined effort from the government, international agencies (NATO, US, UN) and non-governmental organizations are required to see these problems solved. References Anon. (2008). Asia: No quick fixes; Afghanistans opium poppies. The Economist, 387(8585), 54. Anon. (2009). Opium Takes Over Families and Villages in Afghanistan. News for You, 57(41), 3. Ghaznizada, W. (2010). Afghan Air Force training facilities rebuilt after 20 years. Web. Kinsman, J. (2006). Afghanista n comes home. Policy Options, 28(1), 58-61. Manley, J. (2007). Afghanistan: meeting the development challenge. Policy Options, 28(9), 6-12. Narayanan, D. (2010). Afghanistan: Emerging From the Rubble. Web. Phillips, M. (2011). An Airline Magazine That Makes Travelers Want to Pull the Rip Cord: Safi Shows the Real Afghanistan, From Dog Fighting to Dry Swimming Pools. Web. Radek S. (2004). Meanwhile, in Afghanistan. National Review, 56(19), 34-36.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† By Mark Nichol Among the scores of verbose constructions that can be whittled down (usually) to one word with no loss of, and often with a net gain in, clarity are those phrases in the following sentences beginning with in. The replacement words are not necessarily the only (or the best) choices, and the sentences could be further refined, but employ this list to help you be on the lookout for that is, be aware of phrases like the ones presented below. They need not be automatically excised, but examine your writing for an abundance of such prolixity, and revise at your discretion. 1. Please submit your report in advance of the meeting. Please submit your report before the meeting. 2. We received a check in the amount of $1,000. We received a check for $1,000. 3. We’re implementing this policy in an effort to streamline our process. We’re implementing this policy to streamline our process. 4. Which section is this question in connection with? Which section is this question about? 5. Do not use in excess of the recommended dosage. Do not use more than the recommended dosage. 6. Are you in favor of the new system, or do you oppose it? Are you for the new system, or do you oppose it? 7. Use Form BFF in lieu of Form OMG. Use Form BFF instead of Form OMG. 8-9. Improvement will be noted in most cases (or instances). Improvement will usually be noted. 10. They have changed the procedure in order to reduce the necessary steps. They have changed the procedure to reduce the necessary steps. 11. She is attending the meeting in place of her vacationing supervisor. She is attending the meeting for her vacationing supervisor. 12. I am in possession of damning evidence. I have damning evidence. 13. They are in proximity to the epicenter. They are close to the epicenter. 14. We are in receipt of your letter. We received your letter. 15-17. I wasn’t sure what the question was in reference to (or regard to or in relation to). I wasn’t sure what the question was about. 18. You will notice these side effects in some instances. You will sometimes notice these side effects. 19. In spite of the fact that the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. Although the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. 20. In terms of reducing costs, the strategy has been a failure. The strategy has been a failure in reducing costs. 21. In the absence of Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. Without Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. 22. In the case of duplication, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. If duplication occurs, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. 23. We were speaking in the context of yesterday’s discussion. We were speaking about yesterday’s discussion. 24. In the course of the session, little progress was made. During the session, little progress was made. 25. In the event that no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. If no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. 26. In the final analysis, it is up to us to decide. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide. 27. He will return in the near future. He will return soon. 28. It took in the neighborhood of two weeks to complete. It took about two weeks to complete. 29. They are in the vicinity of the headquarters now. They are near the headquarters now. 30. In view of the fact that you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Because you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientAnyone vs. EveryoneCaptain vs. Master

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Food Safety - Chemical, Microbiology, etc Term Paper

Food Safety - Chemical, Microbiology, etc - Term Paper Example In the wake of the salmonella outbreak, many companies withdrew their peanut butter products from the market. Nearly seventy companies recalled 125 peanut butter products. A large number of adults and children had fallen ill, after consuming the King Nut brand peanut butter. Tests conducted by the CDC and other state health institutions have confirmed traces of salmonella in the peanut butter, manufactured by the King Nut company. This brand is supplied in large containers to organizations, such as nursing homes, schools, and hospitals. However, consumption of peanut butter products of other companies that were sold to customers in retail outlets or grocery stores did not contain salmonella. The contaminated peanut butter was not sold directly to the consumers. It was supplied to food service providers in the States of Ohio, Michigan, North Dakota, Minnesota, Arizona, Idaho, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Florida. It was then redistributed to retail sellers. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, traces of salmonella bacteria were found in a container of King Nut brand peanut butter. This came to light on account of preliminary laboratory tests conducted on samples of peanut butter. The E. coli outbreak of 1993 had claimed the lives of three children in Western Washington. In January and February of that year, these children had consumed meat contaminated with the E. coli bacteria. This outbreak also caused 450 people to fall ill; in addition, a few others were rendered ill after being exposed to people who had been infected with these bacteria. Finally, the cause of this infection was traced to the undercooked meat served in the Jack in the Box Restaurants. Acylamide is a carcinogen and neurotoxin that is formed in a number of food products.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The impact of Work environment on employees satisfaction in 5 star Essay

The impact of Work environment on employees satisfaction in 5 star hotels in the USA - Essay Example There exists a significant level of formal knowledge on the subject of employee satisfaction in relation to the working environment. This chapter will briefly evaluate specific areas of knowledge that assess how the different aspects that form the working environment such as general environment (cultures and beliefs), hotel environment (leadership strategies and team work) and organizational behavior will impinge on the employee satisfaction. Also of interest are the consequent effects on productivity. 1.2Work environment. Employee’s attitude and behavior are influenced greatly by the quality of their work behavior are affected by the quality of their work environment Work environment can be broken down into general environment (cultures and beliefs), hotel environment (leadership strategies and team work) and personal impact. Jacques (1951) defined organizational culture as the customary or traditional ways of doing things which are shared to a greater or lesser extent by all members of an organization and which new members must learn and partially agree in order to be accepted in that organization. According to Cole and Thomson (1995) culture is described as a summation of values visions perspectives, standards and modes of behavior in any organization. Human resource strategies have a major influence on shaping the working environment. These strategies include those activities that are necessary in the recruitment of a workforce, providing employees with their payroll, drawing benefit plans, and administrating their work-life needs. The development and utilization of this resource is in a broad sense done in order to advance the organization’s objectives.

Exploring Employee Motivation at Bureau Veritas Dissertation

Exploring Employee Motivation at Bureau Veritas - Dissertation Example These studies were carried out over a period of nine years (i.e. from 1924 to 1932) by Elton Mayo (Dickson 1973). The Hawthorne studies found that monetary benefits are not the only factor to motivate employees working in an organization. In fact, employees are also in search of other attributes related to their jobs which in turn shape their behavior and develop an attitude towards work. In addition to this, the Hawthorne studies also initiated the examination of relationship between employees and management by way of developing a human relations approach to management. In this particular regard, the studies explained how the needs and motivational factors for employees are regarded as the major focus for management of an organization (Bedeian 1993). After the conduct of the Hawthorne studies and since the results of the studies were made public, a number of researchers focused on to develop understanding as to what motivate employees and how their motivation levels can be evaluated (Terpstra 1979). In this regard, there were many theoretical models developed amongst which major works included Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Adam’s Equity Theory and Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory (Lindner 1998). 1.2. Definition of Motivation While defining motivation, a number of contemporary authors have given their explanation of the concept. Following are the definitions of motivation given by different authors: The psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction (Kreitner 1995) A predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Bedeian and Lindner 1995) An internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need and the will to achieve (Higgins 1994, Bedeian 1993) Employee motivation is deemed to be important for the survival of the whole organization (Smith 1994). In the modern business world of today, where requirements of the organ izations, consumers and employers change continuously, it is extremely important that employees are motivated enough to cope up and follow these changes in the surrounding environment. Apart from the fact that motivation is important in making employees to be adaptable to changes and work towards the survival of the organization, it also helps in improving the productivity of employees. In this regard, it is very a matter of extreme significance that the management of an organization understands the factors which are responsible for improving motivational levels among employees. The importance of knowing motivational factors for employees for managers is also required to be considered because of all the responsibilities and duties of management, motivating employees is placed among the top priority tasks and is also regarded as a complicated and tough task for managers; as motivation levels for employees are prone to consistent changes (Bowen and Radhakrishna 1991). As for instance, researchers in the past have agreed that after becoming satisfied from the financial incentives and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Write a paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write a paragraph - Essay Example Nash equilibrium has its implications both positive and negative. Positively, each player has the advantage of getting the expected payoff given what the opponent plays. Negatively, this strategy is not applicable in all cases. This is because there can be pure strategy normative expectations equilibria which are not Nash equilibria. The prisoner’s dilemma is an example of such a case scenario (Julian & Wolfgang, 2000). Nash equilibrium may not be Nash equilibrium at all in the event that one would like to have a little bit of extra credit. This is based on the fact that it places one in compromising scenarios in which it leaves the player with no option other than not opting for not being part of the whole process. In a bar, the goods and services on sale are not returnable and so once consumed it is as good as gone. This will constantly leave the owner of the bar at a loss since there is no positive payoff in the sense that he will always stand a chance of losing in all the possible outcomes (Julian & Wolfgang,

River Plate Trust, Loan & Agency Company Ltd Essay

River Plate Trust, Loan & Agency Company Ltd - Essay Example The operation of the companies in the region suffered a setback in the period when the financial crisis of 1930 was felt; however, some companies strived strove to become international firms. One of the companies formed by the Morrison Group in the River plate region was the River Plate Trust, Loan, and Agency (RPTLA), which was formed for in 1881 for three main reasons. The first reason for the formation of the firm was the acquisition of assets as a trust. This was accomplished by the acquisition of the assets of the Mercantile Bank of the River Plate, and the second reason was the provision of loan facilities to the people in the region. This was done through the lending of money in form of mortgages in Argentina and Uruguay, and among the last reasons was the performing of financial agency duties for individuals and firms in the River Plate Region. Another reason for the formation of the firm was the motivation to invest in the mortgage business in the River Plate Region, and the expected high economic growth of the region. The previous occupations of the major stakeholders in the firm were also a big factor in the formation of the RPTLA. ... RPTLA was founded by seven members, John Gorst, Sidney Herbert, Frederick Fearon, Cornelius Cox, Edward Ashworth, Edward Griggs and John Taylor, who went on to become the first board members of the new company. These seven individuals were mostly stakeholders in the Mercantile Bank, either as shareholders, board members, or liquidators, and the rest of the board members were related to the bank in some way. For example, one of the shareholders, Leon Isaac, was part of the family that owned most of the Mercantile Bank. Some other members were politicians, while others were directors of other financial institutions. One example of a director is Griggs, who was a major director in the now defunct Trust and Loan Company of Canada, while some other members were business people and merchants. The similarity of these individuals was drawn around financial institutions, since they were either members of the fallen Mercantile Bank, or former members of other financial institutions in the regi on. The social system in place at the time indicated that the first directors of the RPTLA were in social class 1 and 2, which was reserved for professionals, gentry, and major businesspeople. A year after the formation of the RPTLA, a former senior partner at Ashurst, Morris and Company, John Morris, was appointed as the new Chairman and Managing director of the RPTLA (Slinn, 1997). Under the administration of Morris, the organizational structure of the company was reformed, and the principles that he placed in place guided the company through its entire lifetime. As previously stated, the members of the board of RPTLA were in some way related to the Mercantile Bank, and Morris was no exception, since he was in charge of the law firm that liquidated the bank. This indicates that the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Write a paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write a paragraph - Essay Example Nash equilibrium has its implications both positive and negative. Positively, each player has the advantage of getting the expected payoff given what the opponent plays. Negatively, this strategy is not applicable in all cases. This is because there can be pure strategy normative expectations equilibria which are not Nash equilibria. The prisoner’s dilemma is an example of such a case scenario (Julian & Wolfgang, 2000). Nash equilibrium may not be Nash equilibrium at all in the event that one would like to have a little bit of extra credit. This is based on the fact that it places one in compromising scenarios in which it leaves the player with no option other than not opting for not being part of the whole process. In a bar, the goods and services on sale are not returnable and so once consumed it is as good as gone. This will constantly leave the owner of the bar at a loss since there is no positive payoff in the sense that he will always stand a chance of losing in all the possible outcomes (Julian & Wolfgang,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Things Fall Apart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Things Fall Apart - Essay Example For the first time, an African intellectual and researcher was portraying the Igbo society from the nationalistic perspective. Realization dawned on the thinking Achebe that the untold story about the Africans must be told by an African writer, and not by the white-skinned historian or the novelist, through their colored glasses and biased pen. His mission was to prove the original beauty about complexity and sophistication of African society which the colonial power termed as the society of savages. The colonial powers had caused irreparable damage to country’s social, cultural and political fabric. The historical clock had taken the full circle. The publication of the novel came as the warning shot to the colonial powers, when it saw the light of the day two years before Nigeria’s independence and series novels on the subject of colonist racist claims and hailing African culture, history and society appeared on the scene. Achebe can be considered as the architect for launching the literary movement for the artistic and cultural renaissance of Nigeria and Africa and challenging the colonial-inspired, coated and opinionated literature that mocked at the profound African traditions. Achebe demonstrated how pen was mightier than the sword. By depicting the various facets of just one character, Okonkwo, Chinua Achebe informs us so much about the African Culture and lifestyles prevailing then, and their customs and traditions. The description of his physical strength is symbolic of the physical strength of the African tribal communities as a whole. His father was a lazy man, good for nothing and given to drinks. The nature and aptitude of Okonkwo was exactly opposite. And only an African author of the caliber of Achebe describes his traits in a befitting manner. The European writers would not have the writing skills to create a character like Okonkwo, because they are unable to gauge the depth of the inner world of the

Malaysian airline Essay Example for Free

Malaysian airline Essay Purposes: In general, a brand’s reputation of Airlines Company might be very important in the eye of people (society). In fact, brand is consider as a promise to customers â€Å"setting up expectations† and with a strong brand it deliver on what it promises by the development of a strong reputation (Aaker 2009, p. 3). This approach seems particularly well suited to the reputation of Airlines Company, in which their brand’s reputation as image can be describe as a very important aspect. The goal of this study is to assess and analyses on the implication of accident to the reputation of Malaysia Airlines (MAS). In this project, I will explore how the reputation of MAS is affected, after the accident on 8 March 2014 (BBC 2014). In particular, I will focus on how MAS’s reputation and brand is significantly damaged by the disappearance of Flight MH370 and how to fix and rebuilding their reputation  and brand’s image after the accident happen. Therefore, the questions arise on how to convince and ensure the safety of MAS in their future operations. Also, the study will examine, test and attempt to measure the trust level of a customer’s perspective (the situational approach) towards MAS reputation after the tragedy occurred. Background: In this age, reputation and brand is become one of essential part of business environment. According to Brigham (2010) claims a business’s most valuable asset is its good name, brand and reputation, as a result brand reputational value is irreplaceable and company must protect it (Brigham 2010, p. 1). Hence, the accident on Flight MH370 is apparently affected the brand and reputation of MAS. As a result, I choose this topic, since it was the current issue in the eye of people around the world, due to the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 went missing less than an hour after take off. Also, the other reason I’m interested to select this issue, because I believe this accident will give a huge impact which can tarnish to the business reputation of MAS. Thus, this topic is important issue now, because it not just involves the company itself, but it related to international accident. Furthermore, I will conduct my study in a literature review, observe the general p eople discussion regarding MH370 Flight incident, and take a survey and interview randomly in Sydney about the mystery of disappearance of MH370. Scope: I will engage in literature review, in order to collect secondary data which is available on the news over a six-week period, from 1 April to 13 May 2014 for approximately 6 hour per week. I will typically observe the discussion of general people regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370 and stay around ten to fifteen minutes in order to observe other people perspective’s in the way they talk, feel and express about MAS reputation after the accident occurred. On some days I may come at other times of the day for survey. In this case, I will make a questionnaire regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. Moreover, I will schedule structured  interviews, but I will interview randomly to a general people in Sydney as informal question re garding their opinion and judgement about MAS reputation after the missing plane MH370, as needed to clarify and provide insight perspective of MAS reputation’s value into specific conversations. Theoretical framework: I will be guided most generally by the concept of branding in the International Marketing field, since branding is develop a company reputation in long term and it may be consider as one of the most important decisions made by marketing managers (Kohli, 1997, p. 206). The concept of branding leads to build a reputation in the mind of consumer as company image (identity) as seen from the outside and it about company brand is who they are, what is their strength, integrity and reputation, so its not simply on how company logo is displayed, but rather than that, it involves the emotional and intellectual response to target audiences (Stine 2008, p. 2). The corporate reputation can be consider as corporate image which is content identify, image, prestige, goodwill, esteem and standing (Wartick2002 as cited in Dolphin 2004, p. 81). Also, the corporate reputation is most influenced by the actions of an organization rather than a successful of PR campaign (Lewis 2001, p. 31). Consequently, based on research a good reputation allows a company to easily attract customers companies by the establishment of reputation for delivering high-quality products and service (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 30). Research show that a firms’ reputation is consider to the success or failure of its brands, so it is very important for a firm to maintain or advance their reputation (Herbig and Milewicz 1993, p. 18). In addition, research show a good corporate reputation leads firms to enhance financial and market performance, as a result the corporate reputation appears to emerge as a critical dimension of benchmarking of a firm performance (Lee and Roh 2012, p. 649). Hence, it is very important to get a good reputation; company must be truthful, reliable and consistent about the offering product or service in order to get a customer loyalty (Melewar, Nguyen and Abimbola 2013, p. 1). Brands and brandings have such a profound impact on the society as whole a not just on people who buy or used their product and service, thus an ethical brand enhances the firm’s reputation, since such a good reputation  reinforces the brand in turn (Fan 2005, p. 341). However, any unethical behaviour of misconduct will severely damage or even destroy the total intangible asset of company, so in order to retain and advance company name, marketing managers must concern and implement 6Cs of corporate marketing which are corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation must be integrated under the umbrella title of corporate marketing (Fan 2005, p. 341 and Balmer Greyser 2006, p. 730). According to Kotler and Keller (2006), brands are very important for both the company and the consumers, because brands indentify the source or maker of a product and service and allow consumers either individuals or organization to assig n responsibility to a particular manufacture or distributor (Kotler and Keller 2006 as cited in Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 19). In this case, the brand reputation can be good or bad, strong or weak, its depend on how the company maintain their performance of reputation and it crystallizes how people feel about that reputation based on whatever information they have about the brand is regarded and respected (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 31). I am exploring the meanings of brand reputation of MAS which is apparently affected after MH370 Flight incident. In this research, I hope to achieve the solution on how to fix and rebuilding the reputation of MAS Company and find the solution on how to get a trust back from customer itself. Also, find the way on how to maintain the customer loyalty after accident happen. Moreover, conclude the outcome on how far the correlations regarding brand reputation can affect the consumer’s perception. At the end, get the results regarding on the current level of customers’ confidence and trust in general people towards MAS reputation. Method: 1. Conduct a literature review on the implication of accident to the reputation of MAS. 2. Observe the discussion of general people about the mystery of missing plane MH370, for example: in collage or in a public place if somebody or friends talk about MAS Flight incident. Therefore, I will come closely and have a discussion with them in order to observe their opinion and judgement  regarding their own way on how they talk, feel and express their perspectives about MAS reputation. 3. Interview randomly to a general people in Sydney (city area) to clarify and provide insight into conversations. Thus, I will try to conduct these interviews shortly after conversation of interest to a general people who discusses regarding the accident to the reputation of MAS. The common strategy for the interviews is to begin with broad and general questions and follow up on the interviewee’s response in order to capture the person meanings and get their perception and to avoid imposing my meanings on the interviewee. I will use structured interviews in order to ensure that answer can be reliably aggregated (consistent), also it can reach a large sample, so a representative sample is possible can be used to make statements. While the interviews will not be formal but it structured, it more likely as informal and the kinds of questions I will ask include the following: a. What do you feel regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370? b. What do you think about the reputation of MAS after the accident occurred recently? c. What do you think that MAS should do in order to solve the tragedy of missing plane MH370? d. Do you still believe that MAS have a good reputation after the MH370 Flight incident? e. If you have a chance to travel going to overseas, do you still have trust to fly with MAS, despite the missing Flight MH370? f. Do you believe that MAS will improve their management of security and safety as their offered the flying service in the future? 4. Conduct a simple survey by a questionnaire paper regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. The reasons, I’m using questionnaires because it’s practical (I can do and conduct), realistic, sensible, handy, useful and convenient method. The outcome of conduct questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily interpret the result. 5. Write a research report that combines my understanding of own horizon and perception of the relevant theory and previous research with the outcomes of my empirical research. Simple Gantt chart: Limitations: Time constraints (limitation) of the semester require less time than may be ideal for research study. By collecting secondary data for only six hours a week for six-weeks, there are bound to be very difficult to evaluate the accuracy of secondary data, and the quality of internal secondary data may be exaggerated or biased, since I rely on secondary data from the news. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The interview and survey it can be difficult to obtain reliable data on attitudes, opinion and values (unless validated questionnaires are used). Delimitations: I am choosing to not find the data from primary resources which is not available (not exist) and it’s not allowing the access of data. Thus, I’m used the secondary data from the news which is available, in order to look a broader of perspective regarding the understanding of general people in society towards the reputation of MAS. It is often cheaper and it saves time than doing primary research. Additionally, I will not use unstructured interviews because; a lot more time consuming in comparison to other research methods and it can be difficult to interview a large sample, affecting the data’s generalise and representativeness, also prone to digression and much of the data collected might be worthless. References Aaker, J 2009, ‘Building Innovative Brands’, Stanford Graduate School of Business, pp. 1-38, viewed 5April 2014, . Balmer, M.T.J and Greyser, S.A 2006, ‘Corporate Marketing: Integrating corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.730 – 741, Emerald, viewed 2 April 2014 BBC 2014, ‘Missing Malaysia Airlines plane’, News Asia, viewed 1 April 2014, Brigham, A. F 2010, ‘Your Brand Reputational Value Is Irreplaceable Protect It!’, Forbes, pp. 1, viewed 5April 2014, . Dolphin, R. 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Stine, G 2008, ‘The Nine Principles of Branding’, Polaris Inc. Branding Solutions, pp. 1-33, viewed 5April 2014, .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

International Strategic Management Of Lvmh Marketing Essay

International Strategic Management Of Lvmh Marketing Essay The LVMH article describes the management aspects of a multi brand firm. LVMH is globally known as the world leading luxury goods companies. LVMH was established by the merger of two fashion houses, called: Louis Vuitton and Moet -Hennessy. LVMH produces and sells wines and spirits, fashion and leather goods, perfumes and cosmetics, watches and jewellery and selective retailing. However, the majority of sales comes from the fashion and leather goods division. The luxury group grew due to key acquisitions and the development and innovation of new products. The future focus of LVMH is likely the growth into new markets and regions, where China, Russia and Eastern Europe countries can be considered. But how is such a huge company organized? Every division functions has its own general manager and a management team, besides these divisions also controls and manage sales abroad. The five product groups of LMVH are decentralized into two subsidiaries: production and distribution subsidiari es. Additionally the organizational set-ups are organized regionally. The luxury market is constantly changing, nowadays there is a wide range for luxury products since the middle-class market purchase luxury products as well. Besides the luxury sector is related toward economic conditions. Additionally , the development of growing by acquisitions became an important strategy for many firms in the luxury sector. In many of LVMH s acquisitions it had maintained the creative talent as independent pool and certainly without the generating of synergies between product lines or brands. For LVMH quality in production and product development is essential for their success strategy. Moreover, integration, training and top management seminars are designed in LVMH to support business strategies. What are the main strategic issues of this case (e.g. go into questions like what is the meaning of globalization in the luxury industry; what is the meaning of a multi-brand strategy; why so many brands in one conglomerate company)? Formerly, medium sized firms dominated the market. However currently there are just a few big players in the luxury market that grew due to acquisitions. In the luxury industry globalization means the development of conglomerates. The most important strategic issue in the LVMH case is the development and change in the luxury market in relating to the globalization. Additionally, those conglomerates do follow a multi-brand strategy, which can be described as producing and selling of two or more competing products by the same company under different unrelated brands. The goal of a multi-brand strategy is to allow organizations to grow without overexploiting a specific brand and killing exclusivity. Firms seek to stretch their brands to attract new customers. One of the benefits is that the firms become stronger and have to deal with less competitors. Besides , firms dominate the market through padding all quality and price spaces. Nowadays, the range of products in these firms had a ma ssive increase due to globalization. LVMH operates globally and in addition to this LVMH has many offices in countries worldwide. Besides , the firm operates in different segments and offers a wide range of different brands. However the international strategy differs per product group. The main strategy in the firm is a mix of multinational and global. In some product groups (like wine and spirits) LVMH has to be aware of local responsiveness, local regulations and norms. The firm has to adjust to the environment. In contrast, product groups like, fashion and leather goods, are more in need of integration instead of local responsiveness, because the global need for the kind of fashion and leather goods is rather equal. The firm LVMH operates in five different sectors of the market. They offer products in: wine and spirits, fashion and leather goods, perfumes and cosmetics, watches and jewellery and selective retailing. Each product group is individual. There is little influence of the headquarter in each product group. The headquarter basically gives authority to the business divisions. This has the benefit that every business unit is flexible to adjust their structure to what suits their business unit and environment the best. However the organizational values are shared through the whole company. Summarized, looking at chapter 3 of the textbook Laserre ,it is clear that LVMH uses a sort of multi business global product division model. The employees have the freedom as long as they meet their targets. In addition to this, Bernard Arnault described innovation as a driver for growth and profitability in the luxury industry. For LVMH quality in production and product development is essential for their success strategy. The firm pursues a strategy of soft human resources, meaning that no real hierarchies exists. This is resulting in that innovation is used in an excellent way. Additionally the firm offers training programmes, on the job training to motivate and in order of the development of the employees

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Father And Son :: essays papers

Father And Son As related to Absalom and Achitophel Absalom and Achitophel begins in the world of Old Testament history. The vague biblical past of the opening lines lets the narrative to be set from 2 Samuel in a wide historical frame that hopes to legitimize the king's promiscuity by associating the king as father of the land: In pious times, e'r priestcraft did begin, Before polygamy was made a sin; When one man on many multiplied his kind, Ere one to one was cursedly confined; When nature prompted and no law denied Promiscuous use of concubine and bride; Then Israel's monarch after Heaven's own heart, His vigorous warmth did variously impart To wives and slaves; and, wide as his command, Scattered his Maker's image through the land. (l. 1-10) The association between God and David is made through the clever comparison of divine and human fertility. There is some irony in seeing God's abundant creation reflected in the king's sexual extravagances, but the irony doesn't reduce the status of the king. It serves, at the beginning of the poem, to separate the person of the king from the office of the king. The opening scenes emphasize David as an indulgent father, not as head of the country. David's pleasure in Absalom parallels God's attitude toward Adam in the Garden. All of Absalom's motions are accompanied with grace, And paradise was opened in his face. With secret joy indulgent David viewed His youthful image in his son renewed: To all his wishes nothing he denied; And made the charming Annabel his bride. (l. 29-34) The easy going nature of Absalom, put together with the specific reference to paradise, help establish him as the figure from Eden that will be seen again in the temptation. The characterization of David emphasizes a combination of divine and human paternity. Like God, David takes great joy in his creation; like God, he supplies Absalom with a worthwhile bride. This serious presentation of David in his fatherly joy and indulgence, as compared to the divine model, cannot be taken as criticism of the king. It strengthens the casual relationship between God and David established at the opening of the poem. When attention is called to indulgence or weakness in David's character, it is in a context that shows David's indulgence to be a reflection of his paternal, rather than kingly, capacity: What faults he had (for whom from faults if free?) His father could not, or he would not see. (l. 35-36) The emphasis is on David's paternal indulgence. The initial presentation of David and Absalom closes with a declaration of the calm of David's

Friday, October 11, 2019

Chocolate History Essay

All chocolate starts with a seed called a cocoa bean that is grown on a small tree. Many countries in Central and South America produce cocoa beans. The history of chocolate starts in Latin America, where the cocoa bean was first discovered about 2,000 years ago on a tropical tree. The first people recognized to have used these beans to make any kind of chocolate were the Maya’s. They called it the kakawa bean, which is where the origin of the world chocolate began. They most often used the bean to make a spicy, foamy drink. Later, the Aztecs discovered the cocoa bean. Eventually this was introduced in Europe after the Spaniards came to Central America. When the Spaniards began experimenting with the bean, they began to add other spices to it, such as cinnamon and sugar, to give the chocolate a sweeter taste. Soon, the rest of Europe started drinking it and it became a popular drink that only the rich could afford. In the 1600’s the first chocolate house was opened and this flavor was able to reach the mouths of many other people. In the early 1800’s, solid chocolate was created. It became more affordable to everyone and throughout time more recipes were experimented with, creating many different types of chocolate. There are many different types of chocolate such as White, Dark (bittersweet), Milk, Semi-Sweet and even Baking Chocolate (unsweetened). White chocolate isn’t really considered chocolate because it has no cocoa solids in it, it is made of the fat from the cocoa beans known as cocoa butter. White chocolate has a creamy consistency and taste. It lacks flavor because it contains no chocolate liquor which gives chocolate the bitter strong chocolate flavor. White chocolate is not normally used in cooking unless it is a replacement for dark or milk chocolate. It is used mainly for decorating. Dark chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate. This chocolate contains a large amount of disease-fighting flavonoids, anti-oxidants also found in red wine and lots of different fruit and vegetables. Its anti-oxidants can significantly improve blood pressure, prevent blood clots, slow the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol making it less likely to stick to artery walls and also reduce inflammation. Eating dark chocolate can also lower insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes. Milk chocolate does not contain as much chocolate liquor as dark chocolate, which gives it a softer chocolate flavor. This chocolate is much sweeter than any other. It is the most popular type of chocolate. Milk chocolate is more difficult to temper properly and more prone to overheating which would make it thick and lumpy if it comes into contact with water. Milk chocolate can be used in pretty much anything you want to be sweet. The difference between regular chocolate and baking chocolate is baking chocolate has less sugar and no fat and its bitter while regular chocolate is sweet and sugary. Tempering means improving the consistency, durability or hardness of a substance by heating and cooling it. Tempering is done by melting solid chocolate to a temperature high enough that the crystals in the cocoa butter break down. Once the chocolate is fully melted, it must be cooled to about 82F, a temperature at which crystals will start to form again so that the chocolate can eventually re-solidify. The chocolate’s temperature is then raised back to about 90F, where it is very smooth and can be poured into chocolate molds and used for other things. White, milk and dark chocolate can be tempered. Tempered chocolate is very glossy, has a firm finish and melts smoothly at around body temperature. Chocolate that has not been tempered or that has been improperly tempered will look flat or discolored. Tempering can be done in 2 ways by hand, or through a process called seeding. Tempering by hand can be done by tabliering where melted chocolate is poured onto a cool marble surface and worked with spatulas until it has cooled down sufficiently. More melted chocolate is added back and incorporated in to the tabliered chocolate to bring it back to the final working temperature. Through the process of seeding, chocolate is melted and a small amount of finely chopped solid chocolate is added into the melted chocolate and stirred in. Adding solid chocolate will lower the temperature of the melted chocolate and it will start to temper the melted chocolate. When it comes to baking, chocolate does not need to be tempered because it is being incorporated into another form. Tempering chocolate is good for dipping foods, for a more clean finish.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Taking on the World by Ellen Mac Arthur Analysis.

An Essay to analyse an Extract From â€Å"Taking On the World† By Ellen MacArthur By: Sophie Tulloch 10S1 Throughout the piece of writing, ‘Taking on the World† Dame Ellen MacArthur communicates fear in a lot of different ways, using a lot of different techniques. During this analytical essay I will analyse how she did this and the effect it had. One way that she communicates fear is by using punctuation creatively, an example of this is when she says, â€Å" It would not be difficult to break bones up there†¦ When using an ellipsis, it often indicates that there is unfinished business by doing this it creates suspense and helps keep the reader enthralled in writing. Furthermore it also creates a pause leaving the fate of Ellen MacArthur mingling in the readers mind, I find this effective as it emphasis the riskiness of the job she is about to do. I addition this is also early on in the text an it help bring the readers attention dedication and isolation of h er.The most effective device I feel that was used was a personification an example of this is when Ellen MacArthur writes â€Å"the mast slices† By using personification it emphasizes that she has very little control over the boat while she is up the mast. The word slice has a faster pace and a sharper sound than the rest of the words around it I think this helps represent the simpleness and easiness of such a dangerous movement can lead to a harmful consequence. By doing this it creates suspense and transfix the audience keeping their focus.The last term that I will cover is Nautical terms an example of tis is when she said â€Å"You can’t ease the sheets or take a reef†¦ † The reason that she does this is because her target audience is the sailing community therefore it would be easier to just use these terms rather than explain the whole thing. From another point of view she could have done this to emphasis the complicatedness of her adventure plus it in troduces the Idea that you do not only have to be physically capable and smart you need to be mentally aware nd educated on the surroundings. Although this is quite a small difference I think that it would have a big impact on the audience as this shows the gap between everybody else's knowledge and hers. In conclusion I think that this piece of writing was very well written and the literary devices used help subtly emphasis and introduce the danger and fear of Ellen MacArthurs journey.

Are Modern Sitcoms Too Controversial

With today’s society being much more open and accepting about many different topics, the material content used as entertainment in many comedies is becoming more and more controversial. Popular television shows such as Absolutely Fabulous, Family Guy and American Dad! are consistently proving that jokes focusing on risque topics such as abortion, religion, alcohol and drug abuse, sexism, racism and even the subject of disabilities are more entertaining and therefore, despite some audiences watching these shows in horror, they are becoming more and more socially acceptable. Entertainment of the past was rather held back when compared to what is on television today. This raises the question, are modern comedy sitcoms too controversial? In 1992, the BBC aired the British comedy Absolutely Fabulous, introducing viewers to two of the most self-indulgent and irresponsible women to have ever graced our television screens. This show which was created by the wonderful Jennifer Saunders, focused on two champagne-swigging, chain-smoking, outrageously past-their-prime characters – Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone. These two characters made popping pills, drink driving and harassing Edina’s straight laced daughter a regular occurrence. Socially, if these characters were â€Å"real people†, their crazy antics would not be accepted within today’s society. This hilarious show however, has won its creator two BAFTA awards, seven Emmy awards and three British Comedy Awards (The Coffee Junkie, WordPress: 2010). Animated comedy’s controversial material as exemplified by Family Guy and American Dad! both of which were created by Seth Macfarlane, continue to push the boundaries due to the profanities, animated nudity, racism, sexism, Nazism, violence, abortion and almost every other risque topic one could possibly think of, referenced in these shows. Family Guy is one of the most controversial television shows currently on the air, and due to the nature of its material, complaints were made resulting in the show being cancelled. This show was cancelled not once however, but twice. Family Guy has been subject to much criticism, especially over its handling of sensitive issues such as HIV / AIDS and Down Syndrome, however, after extremely strong petitioning from such a large fan base, TV Executives put the show back on air, not wanting to risk losing such a large following. The result of this then provides the evidence that offensive humour is the key to a modern comedy’s success. Entertainment of the past has dramatically been transformed to suit the tastes of today’s audience. Creators are favouring television shows which constantly push the boundaries of political correctness. Society, it appears, is now more than happy to welcome this extremely cheeky form of entertainment into their homes. Gone are the days of sitting around the coffee table with TV dinners on your lap, watching shows such as Family Ties or Full House with the entire family. So the question, once again, has been raised as to whether comedy sitcoms are too controversial and in this day and age, it would seem that to find this form of humour offensive is considered prudish. In order to succeed, one must be at least one step ahead. Therefore, with society’s views on such topics easing up, entertainment must change as well. These shows may be extremely controversial, and will continue to be so. Just keep in mind that a good laugh has never done anyone any harm.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Duties of Directors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Duties of Directors - Essay Example Again, any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions, the board of directors of a company is accustomed to act is deemed to be a director of the company. Speaking about the importance of directors, Neville J. observed in Bath v. Standard Land Co. (1910) that the board of directors are the brain of a company, which is the body and the company can and does act only through them. It is only when the brain functions that the company is said to function. Directors occupy a key position in the management and administration of a company. Their duties are usually regulated by the articles of the company. The duties of a director may be classified under the following heads It is the duty of a director to sign a prospectus and deliver it to the registrar before it is issued to the public. At the time of public issue the directors of the company must sign the prospectus and a copy of it must be submitted to the registrar of companies, before it is issued to the public. It is the duty of the director to see that all the moneys received from applications for shares are kept in a scheduled bank. According to the companies act it is the duty of the director to ensure that all the amounts received from the public in the form of application money are kept in a separate bank account opened with a scheduled bank. It is the duty of the director to ensure... 3. Not to allot shares before receiving minimum subscription It is the duty of the director to ensure that no shares are allotted before receiving minimum subscription. The directors have to ensure that before allotting the shares atleast 90% of the issue has been subscribed by the public. 4. Preparation of statutory report The directors must ensure that the statutory report is prepared and forwarded to all its members atleast 21 days before the date of the statutory meeting. The directors should also ensure that all the information provided in the statutory report are true and not misleading. 5. Holding a statutory meeting It is the duty of the director to hold the board meeting atleast once in three months. According to the companies act every company is required to hold a statutory meeting atleast once in every three months and it is the duty of the director to ensure that this provision is complied with. 6. To disclose his interest in a contract If a director is interested in a contract, it is the duty of the director to disclose the nature of his interest. It is the duty of the director to disclose any interest he has in any contract to be entered into by the company. 7. To call for annual general meeting It is the duty of the director to call for annual general meeting every year. The directors have to ensure that the annual general meetings are held according to the provisions of the companies act. 8. To file statutory returns It is the duty of the director to file all the statutory returns with the prescribed authority. 9. To file declaration of solvency